
Jeff Goins Essay

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In Jeff Goins article 3 reasons to travel while you’re young he talks about why you should travel when you’re young instead of when you’re older and don’t have time for it. The first thing he talked about is traveling teaches you to live an adventurist life. The second thing he talked about is traveling helps you encounter compassion. The last thing Goins talked about is traveling allows you to gain some culture. All of his statements are true in his article and people should travel when they’re young. The first thing Goins talks about is traveling teaches you to live an adventurist life. This is true people can live more freely and explore the world while they are young. Goins said in his article that he hiked a Mayan ruin if someone were to do this when they are older they would have a more difficult time doing this compared to someone who is young. He also said that taking the risk of traveling well you’re young inspires other to step out of their fear and go travel. This is true people see their friends out traveling the world well they go to school or work every day and they wish they could be that person traveling and having fun. Seeing other people travel really inspires other to take that risk and travel the world. …show more content…

Seeing bad things happen to others while people are young shapes who people turn out to be. Then when those people grow up they might dedicate their lives helping others that are not as fortunate as others. In Goins article he gives examples and he talks about Southeast Asia and how they have slave trading going on there. He also gave another example of Eastern Europe and you could see the effects of genocide and religious persecution. By seeing issues like this makes people more appreciative of what they have and the freedom of them being able to actually travel the

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