I went on my first plane ride before I can remember, before 9/11, and before you had to walk through scanning machines prior to entering the airplane. I've been traveling my whole life with my parents and my brother, traveling is one of my many passions and it has kept me close to my family and true to myself. I've always had a love for traveling, I'm nearly sixteen years old, but it is still hard to believe that I've already been to five other countries. My family and I travel for different reasons but most of the time it's so we can spend time together as a family. Traveling does come with the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, the happiness and sadness, the dreams and the disappointment, but that's why I love traveling so much. …show more content…
I got to visit Scotland, England, Ireland, and Wales, without my parents. It was my first time traveling without my parents and surprisingly I wasn't afraid, but as soon as I got onto the plane, it hit me, I'm on my own going to a different countries with a group of 40 other kids, that I barely know. I digested the butterflies in my stomach and told myself that I can handle it and that I will be fine. Sure enough I got to eat haggis (sheep intestines), and repel off of a 100 foot castle tower, but I was fine and in fact I had a lot of fun. While traveling, I've learned that so much hate goes around from person to person because they are not the same race, or because they have different beliefs. Traveling the world and getting the chance to meet other people from other countries helped me realize that there are not different races, we're all the human race, and we should stop treating each other that different is bad, because we're all different, 7 billion people on this planet and every single one of us are
My personal favorite vacation was when I was six. I flew with my family to a friend’s beachfront estate in Florida. Countless hours were spent hours fishing and swimming on the beach every day, even catching a Blacktip shark. The life changing trip made me exceptionally closer to my friend and his family. I traveled to Italy when I was twelve, it was the first time I had left the United States. The trip was an incredible experience for me, introducing me to an entirely new world of culture. Leaving the United States was a substantial goal for me at that age, as I had never been to a place where people didn’t speak English. The trip was an eye opener for how different the world can be. My first flight alone was when I was in February 2015, when I flew to Colorado to ski with my aunt and uncle. Initially, I was nervous as I left my father at security and made my way to the gate. I soon realized how simple it was to travel and thought of it as an adventure. I’m sure my experience wouldn’t have been the same if the people sitting next to me weren’t so friendly. Even though I have had some transforming experiences in my life, I always look to see what enjoyment I can have next and what I can to create
9/11 took place in September 11 2001. It heavily affected Air Travel, getting through security, passports, and other. My Dad was finishing the “Great Goose Inn” at Ruthin lake that day. as he pulled up to the Inn the first reports on the radio said the small plane had clipped one of the World Trade centers.By the time he got inside, more reports said it was a big jet and soon after the second plane hit the other building.
Ever since I was a couple months old I have been travelling. Flying from coast to coast and country to country. I have flown on nearly three hundred flights domestically and some internationally. Internationally I have been to Paris, Toronto, Jamaica, and Cancun. I have been to Cancun twice as I vacationed there for my final spring break before high school graduation. Domestically, the most notable place I have flown to constantly is Buffalo, New York where my father’s family is from. Traveling has allowed me to experience new places, foods, and culture.
Have you ever been on a vacation? Although I have not been on an enormous amount of vacations, but I have been on a few. Of the four to five vacations I have been on, the most favorable trip I have ever been on was when I was seven years old and my family went to Colorado. There, we explored the nearby towns, went dirt-biking, went on a train, and had some mishaps. We also stopped at some amazing places on the way there, including a huge museum in Kansas City.
My favorite part of traveling was when it was time to go to the airport and getting onto the airplane. For the most part I enjoyed the plane the most because as a kid I would always imagine was if it were a rise. On the summer trip of June of two thousand ten stood out from the rest due to the almost fatal accident that occurred mid-flight. Usually, the flights were quite
It can be hard to remember when the first experience with race, racism, or oppression occurred in my life. I was fortunate to be raised with an abundance of different cultures when I was a child. Race was seen as something interesting that the person brought with them, something that made them special and unique. The nonchalant attitude of race created the ability to appreciate different cultures and ethnicities; it flourished my love of traveling around the world to learn unique environment as well as being exposed to different societies.
The author is claiming that air transportation is not safe even five years after 9/11, (Johnstone, R Williams 2007) says that the U.S. Transportation Security Administration has yet come to grip with basic questions about priorities, roles, and funding. After 9/11, the airports do not have the proper technology of developing detectors that are sensitive enough to detect explosives from the wide array of liquids routinely carried on aircraft, also compact and affordable enough to be widely deployed and quick enough not to unduly impede passenger flow (Johnstone, R William 2007).
When I was younger, around the age of 12, I went to visit my family in Puerto Rico. As soon as I stepped off the plane, it was as if I was thrown into whole new environment that I was unfamiliar with at all.
Skipping the last week of school to fly in a plane for the first time across the ocean to another country was a thrill. Frankfurt, Germany was my first plane stop. From there I would board another plane that would take me to Budapest, Hungary, then finally to my last destination, Romania. This was the first time my siblings and I flew on an airplane and it was fascinating because every seat had a mini T.V. behind them and the food was delivered right to our seats. This was a different but exciting experience because we could watch movies whenever we wanted, we got to order whatever food we desired, we didn’t have to sit next to our parents, and sitting next to old people came with a major perk. My siblings and I always got seats next to
I didn’t travel anywhere until I graduated from high school in 2014. I took a gap year and visited Colombia, after seven years of never visiting. I got to reencounter with all my extended family, grandmother, cousins, uncles, aunts, etc., after years of not being able to see them. It just
I have been fortunate enough to have been given the opportunity to travel a handful of times now and having just got back from a three week trip to Iraq -I can assure you the experiences that traveling unfolds are life changing!
When I was younger I started to really look into traveling. I started watching videos of amazing places all over the world. I watched videos of places like Madrid, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Bangkok, Thailand, and Rome, Italy. I started to voice my opinions to my family and they really supported me. Now, I have a Bucket List of the places I would list to go, and I can't wait to travel to those 5 places.
Flying on an airplane has always been one of the most exciting experiences in the life of a person. For many people it is a process that causes them fear. Others love the idea of flying. For me it was the first time I flew in an airplane, it was an experience full of adrenaline, and one of the best moments of my life. Love every part of being in an airplane. Going into the airplane, takeoff, landing and of course the best moment of all was to see my mom again.
My journey the day I left my home country in search of a better life was not as pleasurable or exciting as I expected. Although it was not a long flight, the accumulation of unexpected vicissitudes during the trip made my dream of traveling an absolute nightmare. Not only my sadness to be leaving my family behind, the uncertainty to fly alone and for the first time, or my inexperience with the procedures at the airport contributed to this calamity, but even my neighbor on the plane added his bit of sand in the affair. All this situation was such traumatic to me that I even considered never daring to fly again.
I spent most of my childhood traveling the world. What a way to spend a childhood tell you, I am the person I am today because of the places I have been, the opportunities I have had, and the people I have met. I can not even remember the abundant number of times I have been woken up at four am to leave for the airport. Dragging my sleepy feet behind me and dumping myself into the car. I remember waiting in the jet way and, the deep inhale I would take when I’d first step foot on the aircraft. Taking in a big breath of the “airplane air” that would always burn through my nose and make me slightly nauseous. Over the years I have learned to hold my breath or to breathe out of my mouth until I got to my seat. These are the same memories I relive every time I begin a new adventure.