
Why I Love Traveling Before 9/11

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I went on my first plane ride before I can remember, before 9/11, and before you had to walk through scanning machines prior to entering the airplane. I've been traveling my whole life with my parents and my brother, traveling is one of my many passions and it has kept me close to my family and true to myself. I've always had a love for traveling, I'm nearly sixteen years old, but it is still hard to believe that I've already been to five other countries. My family and I travel for different reasons but most of the time it's so we can spend time together as a family. Traveling does come with the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, the happiness and sadness, the dreams and the disappointment, but that's why I love traveling so much. …show more content…

I got to visit Scotland, England, Ireland, and Wales, without my parents. It was my first time traveling without my parents and surprisingly I wasn't afraid, but as soon as I got onto the plane, it hit me, I'm on my own going to a different countries with a group of 40 other kids, that I barely know. I digested the butterflies in my stomach and told myself that I can handle it and that I will be fine. Sure enough I got to eat haggis (sheep intestines), and repel off of a 100 foot castle tower, but I was fine and in fact I had a lot of fun. While traveling, I've learned that so much hate goes around from person to person because they are not the same race, or because they have different beliefs. Traveling the world and getting the chance to meet other people from other countries helped me realize that there are not different races, we're all the human race, and we should stop treating each other that different is bad, because we're all different, 7 billion people on this planet and every single one of us are

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