
Jealousy In Wuthering Heights, By Emily Bronte

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As a child, making your parents dignified is the greatest pleasure and succession. When another entity comes along and takes that away from you is when jealousy penetrates the situation. The worst jealousy is among siblings. Siblings match strength with each other for parental attention, and may feel abandoned causing resentment. Built up hatred and jealousy causes a child to become envious, which makes them demand revenge. The appetite of revenge can consume a person’s life and destroy a family all together. When a third-party is involved because of love, it adds complication and fuel to the abyss. Being extorted to mask your love for someone is the most arduous thing you can ask of a person. In Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte, Hindley …show more content…

She was, in part, misled into falling in love with another man who was an item of a wealthy family. Realizing that she could never be with a laborer, she married Edgar, the man who lives in Thrushcross Grange, and suppressed her feelings for Heathcliff. On the other hand, Heathcliff is determined to be with Catherine because his love is so vigorous for her. “If he loved you with all the power of his soul for a whole lifetime, he couldn’t love you as much as I do in a single day.” (pg). Not long after, Heathcliff heard Catherine say how she could never be with someone like him, and he felt like his heart had collapsed in on his lungs. He hastily slipped out of the town, and was gone for three years. He arrived back when he was moneyed and knowledgeable. Unfortunately, she had already moved on with her life so Heathcliff tried to make her envious by marrying her sister in law. His plan didn’t quite work as he had hoped, and Catherine soon died after giving birth. This news mortified Heathcliff, and he turned into a bitter old man rather briskly. He told her, “Stay with me always- take any form- drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!” (pg162). He loved her so much that he wanted her spirit to haunt him, just so she could be with …show more content…

They both died lonely bitter men. In human’s minds revenge is rewarding, but really it causes you to always want more revenge. If you're upset and think revenge is the answer you're wrong, in the end it just makes you more upset. Take this story for example, neither of these men got what they wanted, and they both lived lives full of hate. The author was trying to prove a point to the readers and teach you a valuable life lesson, revenge on someone solves nothing, instead forgive and forget. Being happy makes the world go

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