
Jack Merridew Quotes

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Jack Merridew is a character who embodies the side of human nature that commits murder, stretches the truth, and causes pain to others. He was the main source of conflict in the novel “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding. This character was a powerful figure in this story and because of that, influenced this group of vulnerable, young boys into a dangerous pit of savagery. Jack Merridew has a violent, tyrannical, and evil aura to him that Golding really pressed to his audience. He symbolizes a side to human nature that is too frightening to contemplate. To begin, Jack’s character was developed as extremely violent. He’s been shown as someone who enjoys hunting wild animals and enjoys hurting those around him. “‘There were lashings of blood,’ said Jack, laughing and shuddering,’You should have seen it.’” (63)
This quote demonstrates the distinct desire for violence that resides in Jack. In the midst of fear, threat, or even boredom, Jack has resorted to hunting as a mechanism of relief. Jack’s violence slowly developed into something apparent and threatening throughout the novel. In the beginning of the story, his violent tendencies were introduced as he established hunting as one of his casual activities. Hunting consisted of searching for, …show more content…

He taught them how to hunt and be savages. Jack’s method of leadership resembled that of a dictator’s. He used fear and intimidation to demand gruesome things from the boys. For instance,”’You don’t know Roger. He’s a terror.’ ‘And the chief-they’re both-’ ‘-terrors-’” (173) This quote was stated by Samneric, a pair of twins who were involved in Jack’s tribe. As evident, Jack used his ability to terrorize people as a technique of leading. From this hunger for power, Jack acquired a strong tribe and used them to do sickening things, such as murder Simon, decapitate a wild boar, and throw a rock over Piggy’s

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