
What Are The Similarities Between The Chrysalids And Lord Of The Flies

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Lord of the Flies and Chrysalids Comparative Essay Violence and fear emerges out of those who desire power to control and dictate society. In William Golding's "The Lord of the Flies", savagery and violence is illustrated to express that all people possess a beast within themselves. In John Wyndham's "The Chrysalids", Wyndham offers perceptions of an extreme and narrow-minded society. It is evident that the powerful force of violence that resonates throughout both The Lord of The Flies and The Chrysalids, is used to reveal the evil nature of Jack and Joseph, control the innocent and eliminate all who do not conform the rules and beliefs of society. Evil nature is revealed when both Jack Merridew and Joseph Strorm are face to face with opposing views. The first indication of Jack’s violence is …show more content…

In chapter 4, Jack creates a strategic method to successfully hunt down the pig. This desire to kill the pig has distracted and prevented Jack from following Ralph’s orders. “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.” (Golding 72) This recurring chant illustrates the savagery and belligerence of Jack’s character. In the same chapter, Ralph and Jack have a heated confrontation about the unattended fire. In the midst of this argument, Jack throws a blow to Piggy’s stomach, which leads to breaking his glasses. Jack’s anger is uncontrollable which leads him to resort to physical violence. In a similar manner, Joseph's evil nature is evident through his actions and his beliefs about life. Joseph Strorm’s strong principles and strict rules kick into high gear when he misunderstands David’s wish, of having an extra hand. In Chapter 3, while cutting some wood, David unfortunately gets a splinter. David unobtrusively wished and thought about how

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