
What Is The Prompt For Lord Of The Flies

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Lord of the Flies Essay: Prompt 4 The novel Lord of the Flies (1954) by William Golding takes place around World War II on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere and follows a group of boys, who have to fend for themselves after their plane crashes and leaves them stranded in the Pacific Ocean alone. The novel addresses the topic of one's human nature (your characteristics, such as your feelings and physiological behaviors) and if this overpowers your nurture (the external and environmental factors that affect your development). Golding supports the idea that nature is more powerful than nurture and uses the character traits of Piggy and Jack to justify his logic. Golding uses Jack's savage character to demonstrate how humans become savage …show more content…

He starts to kill pigs to get food, which is what people would do 12,000 years ago. Back then, it was expected that people would hunt to get their meals. Now that society has progressed, most people don’t do that anymore, but that doesn’t mean it still isn’t in our nature. When people are in desperate situations, they bring out their animal side and rely on the hunt. The island environment turns these civilized British boys into monsters because humans are a “naturally violent species that, without the civilizing impulse, will turn to savagery” (Pardede). Once Jack feels the sensation of the kill, he becomes addicted and can’t stop. I think that he took the killing a little too seriously because he and the other boys ended up killing Simion, when they mistook him for the beast (what the boys believe to be a snake looking monster). They spend all their energy fearing the beast and trying to kill it, even though it was just their imagination. Later on in the book we see Jack create his own group, separate from Ralph’s (the other leader of the boys) because he doesn’t agree with Ralph's ideas and only wants to …show more content…

Another example of nature's power is shown in the documentary Three Identical Strangers, which is about triplets who were separated at birth and then reunited at age 19. The boys were raised in completely different homes and had no recollection of each other, but when they met each other for the first time it was like they had known each other their whole lives. They thought the same, acted the same, and even did the same extracurricular activities when younger. It was discovered that these triplets and many others were part of a study that had to do with the ongoing debate over nature vs. nurture. Each of these boys were each put in homes with an older sister who was also adopted. The researchers did this because the adoption agency already knew the parents, and this made it easier for them to study the difference in parenting and how that can affect children. All of the parents who had no idea that their adopted sons were triplets said that the boys would bang their heads against the wall to try and make themselves pass out due to separation

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