
Isolated Dextrocardia

Decent Essays

Dextrocardia is generally a condition where the heart is in the right thoracic region versus the left. The condition can result in normal heart being a little further to the right in the chest than normal, as well as a deformed heart in the right region of the chest and an anatomically mirrored heart in the right thoracic region instead of the left. All dextrocardia is congenital and less 1% of the population has this condition. Most dextrocardia patients have recurring health issues throughout life due to the anatomical abnormalities. An even smaller number of that 1% with dextrocardia has isolated dextrocardia. Isolated Dextrocardia is a healthy heart that is located in the opposite side of the chest and is usually seen with situs inversus, …show more content…

In situs inversus the visceral organs are reversed as well as the heart. Most of the time dextrocardia with situs inversus patients do not have any health problems that have to do with the condition and can live a normal and healthy life. The most common issue with isolated dextrocardia is decreased number of cilia which results in a weaker immune system. In the case of situs solitus the heart is either just in the right thoracic region or a mirror image and the other visceral organs are in their normal place; this anatomical confliction results in health issues and heart deformities. Situs solitus causes bigger problems more often and affects mainly the respiratory,digestive,endocrine and hepatic systems. It can cause health issues ranging from abdominal obstructions to deformities,asplenia and liver problems that result in jaundice. In many cases cardiopulmonary deformities result in respiratory problems usually leading to lack of oxygen and hindered development and growth. Although dextrocardia is a congenital condition and has unknown causes , there are factors that contribute to the chances of development of the condition in utero. Sometimes dextrocardia is a result of the heart developing as a mirror image and as a result of that migrating to the right side of the chest. Another common reason dextrocardia develops is that through defects in the thoracic and abdominal area …show more content…

Defects and problems with vital organs can be remedied through installing a pacemaker, surgery to repair septal defects, abdominal surgeries to correct obstructions/damaging anatomical issues in the thoracic and abdominal area. Abdominal obstructions are serious and if not monitored and treated are life threatening. However not all patients need extreme medical procedure, like surgery, because of the complications that come with dextrocardia. In many cases antibiotics are prescribed to boost or maintain the immune system because of the increased probability of respiratory illness as a result of asplenia and respiratory malformations. On average people with dextrocardia contract infections more often but overall dextrocardia, even in complicated cases, is manageable with the right care, information and medical

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