Contrary to Islamic teachings against suicide and killing people, terrorist groups such as “ISIS”, Islamic State, and AL Qaeda has used a political platform of Islam known as “Islamism” as an excuse for a war of terrorism. 1988 was the year that Al Qaeda was from by its founder Osama Bin Laden. Following Bin Laden’s death in 2011, Al Qaeda continues, the most recently formed group ISIS has aimed to start a war with the West and United States.
On September 11, 2001 , the United States was attacked under the influence of Osama Bin Laden. Ever since these attacks took place the United States increased their security measures on who and what enters into the country to protect its grounds. The actions of Bin Laden came from a terrorist group named Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was a terrorist group whose founder was Bin Laden. Al Qaeda led to evolution of Isis which is an insurgency and not a terrorist group. The evolution of Isis came from a book named Defense of Muslim Lands. Within this book the were the common beliefs and obligations to becoming a jihad. The key beliefs consisted of “ A Jihad is a personal obligation, Muslims have been humiliated by the hands of impure Regimes and western
In the post Osama bin Laden era al-Qaedist ideology is flourishing across the Arab world. A significant development has been the rise of al-Qaeda offshoots in the Middle East. The Abdallah Azzam Brigades franchise has increasingly become a noteworthy actor in terrorism. On May 8th, 2012 Thomas Nides, Deputy Secretary of State designated Abdallah Azzam Brigades as a foreign terrorist organization (Nides, T.R. , 2012). Abdullah Azzam Brigades may have only recently been added as a foreign terrorist group; nevertheless the organization has deep roots, lethal capacity, and is capable of contributing to supplementary instability in the Middle East.
During the mid-1996s, Bin Laden’s organization was very weak, he declared war on the United States in an effort to attract other terrorism cells to join in the fight against the global hegemon; again, this failed to attract fighters. When he realized that it would be difficult to persuade other extremists to join his organization, Bin Laden chose a new approach: bullying weaker groups into aligning with Al
With the event of 9/11, bin Laden hoped to rally the support of the vast populace whose grievances al-Qaeda claimed to champion for; though, on the contrary, Muslim states and sects instead deemed al-Qaida as “too radical.” Bin Laden had envisioned a militant, Islamist, caliphate for the Middle East. With this objective, al-Qaeda had already began alienating itself from much of the Muslim world by targeting other moderate Muslims who didn’t share their views and vision. "They made a world of enemies, which is never a winning strategy," Bergen asserted. Thus, the 9/11 attack missed the mark in igniting the rebellion against U.S./allied presence in the
Fawaz Gerges, who has done extensive research on Al-Qaeda, has described the themes of development on Al-Qaeda. During the early 1990’s the ideology of Sayyid Qutb [3] had a large influence on the objectives of Al-Qaeda. Qutb stood for the concept of hideous schizophrenia [4], and believed that it has been forever implemented into western societies. Gerges states that it was not until 1996 that Al-Qaeda shifted its focus on the “near enemy” to the “far enemy”. This change in ideology was expressed in the 1996 declaration written by Bin Laden. It was a way to inform Al-Qaeda’s vast network the slight change in ideology, and served to express the newly support in the principles of hideous
Terrorism has been conducted throughout the world on numerous occasions. The groups that perform these actions come from multiple countries from all over the world. The United States even has some forms of terrorist groups and individuals. One of the biggest terrorist attacks was the destruction of the Twin Towers carried out by Al-Qaeda. Also recently there has been attacks in Paris and Great Britain, which were ISIS’s plan. The biggest terrorist organizations include the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and quite recently ISIS. The Taliban was founded in 1994, by Mullah Mohammed Omar, and they kill people in the name of jihad. Al-Qaeda was founded by Osama Bin Laden and also kill for jihad. Finally ISIS was founded recently hand continues to grow rapidly. They kill indiscriminately and how they see fit (Ppcorn, n.d.).
In his 1996 FATWA, Usama bin Laden placed personal responsibility upon each individual Muslim to unify and fight oppressive forces, particularly the United States. With this FATWA comes the distinction of the “near” and “far” enemy, an innovative philosophy utilized by bin Laden and Al Qaeda that illustrates the overarching oppressive nature of the United States to Salafi Jihadist sympathizers. Integrating this ideology into the Salafi Jihadist movement is particularly useful for terrorist organizations, as their fighters—particularly their suicide bombers—are ideologically validated for their actions, and are confident that they will receive a reward in the afterlife should they strike against the enemy.
Islam is the belief in one Allah and the belief in heaven or hell. A religious affiliation that follows these beliefs are AL-Qaeda and that affiliation was the one responsible for the attack on 9/11. AL-Qaeda wants to get rid of americans and all american influence out of muslim nations. AL-Qaeda feels it is the duty of Muslims around the world to wage holy war on the U.S., American citizens, and Jews. Muslims who do not heed this call are declared apostates (people who have forsaken their
In current media there are constant stories of terror attacks including bombings, shootings, and sieges. Many of these assaults have been undertaken by the religious extremist group, ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), which have stemmed from the basic religious teachings of
The United States declared war on the Al-Qaeda, a terrorist organization who was involved in the 9/11 attacks. The country also listed the leaders of the group to be terminated on their campaign to end terrorism, including Osama bin Laden, founder and head of the Al-Qaeda, who was recently killed in May 2, 2011 during an operation carried out by Navy SEAL Team Six. However, it is realistically impossible to eradicate terrorism due to the widespread of countless recruitments in the Middle East to fight against the United States and its ' allies. In regards to Larry Diamond’s “Winning The New Cold War on Terrorism”, he believed that the United States and the West were the source of this problem because of the corruption in government and that continents, including
One can scarcely turn on the television, or the radio, or open up a web browser without the mention of Islamic terrorism or unrest around the world. Though the United States and the rest of the world may not be engaged in a protracted religious war, for radical Muslim fundamentalist they are. Bernard Lewis brings to light possible reasons for the issues facing the world dealing with Islamic terrorism. The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror explains these issues in historical context as well as how some of the actions professed in the name of Islam and claim to
Birth control has been legal in the US since 1972. It is, for the most part, easily accessible to American women currently. Such accessibility is not the case in third world countries. Despite the United Nations declaring birth control to be a “universal human right”, 222 million women in developing countries remain without Family Planning methods (“ThinkProgress”). Less fortunate countries have difficulty providing birth control because of costs and social disapproval. Even in countries with limited access to birth control, women choose not to use it due to misconceptions stemmed from lack of education. However, all women deserve access to birth control no matter what country they reside in. Not only could it benefit women’s health, but it could save lives.
Islamic terrorism has its roots in the Middle East but has long since expanded globally. Southeast Asia has been home for indigenous Islamic militant groups for decades. These groups were weak and most of them operated in their own country or island focus being on adoption of sharia law and seeking independence from central government. Jemaah Islamiyah, derived from an Arabic name that means Islam community, is a militant Islamic group that is active in several Southeast Asian countries and is an example of a terrorism organization (Zalman, 2004). This organization aims to establish a pan-Islamic state all over that region. It was added to the United Nations committees list of terrorist organizations.
Organization structure defined by leadership has a considerable impact on the formation of social networks. From psychological research during the 1940s and 1950s, it became evident that individuals gather into groups as a result of interaction opportunities, most commonly defined by places where people meet (Burt, Kilduff, and Tasselli, 2013). While it has been established that different social network structures can prove to be advantageous in differing scenarios, it is often believed that a greater number of connections in the workplace is beneficial, as meaningful relationships can lead to a sense of belonging and pride in an organization. Consequently, in many scenarios, facilitating interaction opportunities can be a common goal of management; providing employees the opportunity to get to know and learn from one another, whether through onboarding or continuous employee development, promotes the forming of groups and increase of density in a social network. As groups form, a new identity may be created, often characterized by signs of symbolic convergence. These signs might take on the form of inside jokes, symbols, behaviors, or similar views and begin to define what it means to be in the group. At the same time as a group forms, an in-group and out-group frequently begin to develop—those who belong to the group in question and those who do not. The membership discrepancy among in-groups and out-groups can turn problematic if taken too far. Although there is some
In today’s society there is so much we can talk about pertaining to the diverse religions and faith in the world. There are people all over the world that are apathetic about God and faith. Throughout history most religions have been primarily based around putting their God above all others while showing love and reception. Religion has become tangled with culture, economics, politics, and modern social relationships. It does not matter if you attend a service consistently or not we cannot escape religion. In the previous essays, I discussed the details of my religion and how it affected my life growing up. Also I had the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone to interview people from Jehovahs Witness and Hinduism religious groups. While observing the different aspects and effects they have compare to my religion was an eye-opener. I made a promise to myself after seeing different views that I would not look from the outside of things anymore I will go explore it for myself because the stereotypes people have of the different religions is absurd. With that being said, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christianity, and Hinduism diverge within their variety of gender, class, and symbols.