
Religion, Politics, And Modern Social Relationships

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In today’s society there is so much we can talk about pertaining to the diverse religions and faith in the world. There are people all over the world that are apathetic about God and faith. Throughout history most religions have been primarily based around putting their God above all others while showing love and reception. Religion has become tangled with culture, economics, politics, and modern social relationships. It does not matter if you attend a service consistently or not we cannot escape religion. In the previous essays, I discussed the details of my religion and how it affected my life growing up. Also I had the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone to interview people from Jehovahs Witness and Hinduism religious groups. While observing the different aspects and effects they have compare to my religion was an eye-opener. I made a promise to myself after seeing different views that I would not look from the outside of things anymore I will go explore it for myself because the stereotypes people have of the different religions is absurd. With that being said, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christianity, and Hinduism diverge within their variety of gender, class, and symbols.
First, I will discuss the comparison within the symbols of Jehovahs Witnesses, Christianity, and Hinduism. Symbolism has been utilized by all religions in the world. It represents a specific concept within their religion. Christianity uses the cross as a reminder of God’s love in sacrificing his son.

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