
Is It Wrong To Spank Your Child Essay

Decent Essays

Is it wrong to spank a child?

Growing up, did your parents or guardians ever spank you for something you did wrong? I can remember getting my behind swatted when I did something wrong. I also remember my mom would always say, "You will get into less trouble if you tell me the truth." According to Reeves and Cuddy (2014), in the year of 2012, over 70 percent of American's were in agreement that there are times when a child needs a "good, hard spanking". Of course, not everyone has the same opinion on how often or severe the punishment should be. So, should spanking your child, when they are in need of one, be banned?

The earliest recordings, date back to Ancient Greece, where they were apart of a Pagan practice. They believed that spanking a woman would supposedly help increase her fertility ("History", n.d., para.3). The Catholic Church eventually adopted the spankings, not for fertility, as a means for adult women to repent for their sins. The women would go to confession and afterwards would be spanked, non-erotic. Before World War 2, teenage girls were introduced to repenting their sins, through spankings, in Britain. The AOLFF (Arms of Love Family Fellowship) organization claims that Christians got the wrong idea …show more content…

It has everything to do with how you spank the child (Corporal Punishment, 2012). If you spank them out of anger, of course they are going to believe that they can be violent with whomever they choose. In fact, I believe spanking your child helps build character. Why? If you think really hard about it, when you spank your child you are not doing it for your pleasure or theirs. You are spanking the child so they know how to behave whether in a grocery store or even at a friends house. We spank our children to help them learn that what they keep doing is bad. In my opinion, Spanking a child helps them get to the finish line because they are learning something new with every set of

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