Human Resource Management, 12e (Dessler) Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Resource Management 1) The basic functions of the management process include all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) planning B) organizing C) outsourcing D) leading E) staffing Answer: C Explanation: The five basic functions of the management process include planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Outsourcing jobs may be an aspect of human resources, but it is not one of the primary management functions. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 4 Chapter: 1 Objective: 1 Skill: Concept 2) Which of the following is the person responsible for accomplishing an organization 's goals by planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling personnel? A) manager B) …show more content…
Corrective action is then taken when necessary. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 4 Chapter: 1 Objective: 1 Skill: Concept 8) Which function of the management process includes selecting employees, setting performance standards, and compensating employees? A) leading B) organizing C) planning D) motivating E) staffing Answer: E Explanation: The staffing function of the management process is also known as the human resource management function. The staffing function addresses the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, as well as addressing issues of labor relations, worker safety, and fairness. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 4 Chapter: 1 Objective: 1 Skill: Concept
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9) Which basic function of management includes setting standards such as sales quotas and quality standards? A) planning B) organizing C) controlling D) leading E) staffing Answer: C Explanation: The controlling function involves setting standards such as sales quotas and production levels. Comparing actual performance with the standards is also an aspect of the controlling function. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 4 Chapter: 1 Objective: 1 Skill: Concept 10) ________ is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns. A) Industrial psychology B) Labor relations C) Human
Management in my mind and as the book reinforces the definition to be, to plan, to organize, to staff for the process, and to control the process to the end. These are consider the primary functions of the management role (p.8).
According to Gomez-Mejia and Balkin (2002) the four management functions are planning and strategizing, organizing, leading/controlling, and decision making. Senior
R&M Tax Center is a firm that is providing tax preparation services. This company is located in San Antonio, Texas. They offer a variety of professional services including income tax preparation, tax consultation and IRS audit representation, state tax returns, authorized e-file provider, bookkeeping and payroll services, and more. R&M Tax Center offers a no obligation quote.
Review the four main functions of management, which are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, on pp. 78–82 of Introduction to Business.
Examining the texts of Aristotle’s “Nicomachean Ethics” and “Politics” side by side, one is bound to find parallels between his reasoning with regard to the individual and to the state. In “Nicomachean Ethics” Aristotle discusses happiness, virtue, and the good life on an individual level and lays out necessary provisions for the good life of a person. He maintains that virtue is a necessary element of happiness: a man will be happy if he has virtues of justice, courage, and temperance, each constituting a balance between the extremes. But this requirement of virtue for the happy life goes beyond the individual level, as we see it in “Politics”. There,
Transitions are changes that take part of our lives and are out of our control. Transitions are essential part of every person’s life but can be harder to adjust in early years. Although in early years’ transitions are supported by family, friends and practitioners/carers. Children’s early experiences of transitions can have a big effect on how they handle transitions in adult life.
There are five functions that mainly describe and determine the basic duties of any management within an organization. These functions include planning, leading, coordinating, controlling and organizing. These functions however are not only relevant for the management for the corporation. They also determine the context of the duties for the It management with the organization.
The four functions of management, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, are very essential in building strong organizations and even stronger more effective teams. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are the functions of management. These function activities must be preformed by all managers regardless of their industry level, title, or the task they have at hand. These four management skill are used when ever a project or a task is at hand. Even in the field we are working in, many of us may have been using the four management functions and not noticed what they were, or we may have been a part of a team that was lead by the functions of management and not noticed what was
There are four functions of management: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The four basic principles of management found in all businesses and corporations. Management is a process designed to achieve an organization's objectives by using its resources effectively and efficiently in a changing environment.
In addition, management according to Cole (2008) is achievement of the objectives through to the five basic administrative functions (planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling).
Areas of skills and practices are categorized according to the four main functions of management, including planning, leading, organizing, and coordinating. Preparatory texts in management frequently manage their topics according to the equal or similar classification.
The four functions of a manager are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. These are key elements that managers must understand to run a successful organization. I will view each concept as well as their roles to acknowledge how these functions have been related to my personal experience in the work environment. Behind the scenes of a manager, they spend an equal amount of time planning so that he or she can successfully achieve the leading and controlling functions. These functions are standard for any industry that is striving to maintain a strong organization. While reviewing this paper, try to think of the four functions as a method that is established to build on each other. The four functions must be performed efficiently, and when done correctly, an organization will reap the accomplishments from a well-defined plan. My own experiences of how the four functions operate illustrates that each role requires a manager to devote time and patience in order to ensure that the main principles are achieved.
The functions of management uniquely describe managers ' jobs. The most commonly cited functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, although some identify additional functions. The functions of management define the process of management as distinct from accounting, finance, marketing, and other business functions. These functions provide a useful way of classifying information about management, and most basic management texts since the 1950s have been organized around a functional framework.
Companies are being challenged every day with factors that affect their primary management functions. Globalization, technology, innovation, diversity, and ethics are just some of the factors companies are facing that can affect functions of management. Managers are trained to identify these factors and analyze how they will affect the functions of their management. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are the four functions managers operate under. Managers will look for signs indicating when of these factors are affecting their management function. In the following
To work in the Human Resource management field you must maintain and improve the company by planning, implementing, and evaluating employee relations and human resource policies, programs, and practices. It is a challenging and yet rewarding field to work in. However, just like every business field, people who work in the human resource department face many challenges when it comes to discrimination.