Winter can be fun, but it is very, very, very dangerous. If you are out in the cold for too long you could get hypothermia. What is Hypothermia? Hypothermia is a drop in body temperature that could potentially be dangerous. How do you treat a hypothermic person? First things first. Get the person out of the cold and or off the snow, be gentle with them! A hypothermic person is not strong. Remove the person's wet clothing. This might seem awkward, but you may save their life. Cover them with blankets, give them a warm drink, watch how they are breathing, and use warm, dry compresses. How can you avoid hypothermia? Avoid activities that could make you sweat and avoid getting wet as that can lead to hypothermia. Change your wet snow clothes
Shivering is an indication that hypothermia is on the rise (Giesbrecht and Wilkerson 24). In order to increase Elaine’s body heat, her body resorted to shivering. When shivering, “80 percent of the consumed energy is given off as heat allowing for the heat production to be five times as much as the heat production of the body at rest,” (Giesbrecht and Wilkerson 24). This is able to happen because her skeletal muscle is able to expand and contract to allow for normal body activities to
Before this event, Aibileen was explaining how she prays and why she uses this technique. She spends an hour or two a day writing and is the only thing she has kept up from school. This is also an example of the author using foreshadowing because writing is a vital thing while writing a book and The Help is about writing a book. This passage reveals how and where Aibileen, the narrator, got her writing skills from and how she kept them up.
This is a Public Service Announcement for Willow, Alaska residents and all who plan on attending the start of the Iditarod dog sled race. The National Weather service is calling for temperatures below zero, hovering at -20*F and -25*F. All fans attending the start of the International dog sled race are advised to take precautions against frostbite, which can result in serious or life threatening damage to the body. Here are several tips to remain safe in this extreme weather: wear warm clothing in loose layers and have a waterproof coat. Cover all exposed skin, and consider wearing a scarf or face mask to warm your breath. Make sure clothing isn’t too tight as that can restrict blood flow to the tissues. Make sure snow cannot get in clothes
Edgar Allan Poe's career may have been a failure considering what he set out to do, but he did achieve some success and notoriety in his own lifetime. His most successful poem was, of course, "The Raven," a piece he composed to satisfy popular taste. But some of his short fiction was popular as well. As an editor and publisher, however, Poe did not quite achieve the greatness he sought. His legacy grew only after his death, thanks to his literary executor R. W. Griswold, who "won more permanent attention for him after his death by exaggerating his neurotic debility and inherited dipsomania to make him an almost Satanic figure" (Bradbury 206). This paper will examine Poe's poetic and short story successes and failures, and show how he was not quite the "Satanic figure" that the reading public preferred to imagine him to be.
Page 1 Hello! My name is Alex. I am a nineteen year old girl who is about to bring you through my journey of a disease I never imagined would happen to me, well at least at this age. Three days into my nineteenth birthday I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. If you don’t know what that means, as I didn’t the first time I was told it is the dreaded C word.
Some of us are sport players, and most of us like traveling. We, the young people love physical activities. We do a lot of actions everyday. But, imagine what happens if one day in the future, we just can see traveling and playing sport in our dreams because our bodies do not move the way we want any more. It actually happens to the people having muscular dystrophy, and unfortunately the muscular dystrophy can happen to anyone of us, or our family members.
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the growth of climate change worldwide and the source of its cause.
Cancer I am going to inform my audience about cancer and the process the disease goes through in the human body. Cancer starts when cells in the body start to grow out of control. Cancer cells grow differently than normal cells. Instead of the cells dying the cancer cells will continue grow.
Attention-Getting Opening: It is 7:30 and you are in a nice steamy water. What you don’t realize is that the minute you step out of the shower you are going to be tired again. What could you do differently next time? Do you have the strength to take a cold shower or do you continue to take piping hot showers?
I am one of the nurses in this hospital. What has brought you here today? I can understand that it must be hard for you. Please rest assured that as long as you provide appropriate actions, your daughter’s safety will be ensured. We will discuss it today. Before that, could you tell me how much you know about epilepsy? I see. I would like to explain to you briefly what epilepsy is if you don’t mind. Epilepsy is a disruption of the brain activity. It can occur due to some reasons which we don’t know. But the important thing is how to act when your daughter got a fit. There are a few symptoms, such as muscle jerking and incontinence. It could be good to know. Now, I want you to know what should do when your daughter got a fit. There are 4 actions
Thesis: Influenza is a common virus that is present in almost every part of the world. Studies show that influenza causes people to be prevalent to
Although, hypothermia is not the only condition that can happen in a cold environment. For examples, there are frostbite, frostnip, chilblain, and immersion.
My dad had taken my best friend, his brother, and me to a hypnosis show. At the time I thought that hypnotism couldn't be real, and that he pays people to say as he does. He asks for volunteers, and of course my dad’s brother volunteers and is chosen. He then starts following the commands, tapping, snoring, and dancing. Watching a six foot tall, 200 pound man dance in front of hundreds of people may have changed my mind, and unless he was on payroll, hypnosis had to be real. So what is hypnosis, what are common misconceptions and myths, and what are different types of hypnosis? Today I will be answering these three questions.
I'm amazed by the clear majority of “successful” people who overcame adversity and hardship. How do we react to ours? Do we crumble like cookies under the thought of a challenge and avoid them.. or do we conquer challenges and own them? Well, I say, it's up to us. All this [stress] plays into a huge feedback loop that can determine health, happiness, and ultimately our "success". For better or for worse. Why did patients in our readings have such different personal narratives of illness from what seemed to be very similar and even in the same biomedical causes of illnesses? These questions highlight the view that there is a deeper transcending non-biomedical cause of illness, which then, effects outcomes of treatment and healing. I believe an attitude of resilience fostered through experience, plays a huge role in how people react to their illness which then affects how one responds to treatment/therapy. How is it that some people in life have suffered so much and at the end of the day, sometimes after years. not only remain intact mentally, but thrive in the world and carry on with their lives, despite their condition(s) and exposure to trauma. Against all the odds. Through personal experience and evidence presented in the readings. I will persuade you to understand why I feel humans may respond so differently; to treatment and the processes of healing. I don’t expect you to agree with everything I say, you are entitled to that. I only expect that you acknowledge that the
Have you ever heard of homeopathy? You probably have, but have no idea what it really is. Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats an illness or condition with highly diluted concentrations of natural ingredients that mimic the symptoms of the condition being treated. It seems like an odd premise, but in spite of the unusual mechanism behind it, it is a very effective method for treating disease.