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Hello! My name is Alex. I am a nineteen year old girl who is about to bring you through my journey of a disease I never imagined would happen to me, well at least at this age. Three days into my nineteenth birthday I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. If you don’t know what that means, as I didn’t the first time I was told it is the dreaded C word. CANCER.
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Through this journey I will bring you through how I felt, but more in particular what Hodgkin’s is and what is happening inside my body. Let’s start with what this type of cancer is and some symptoms that lead me to the most shocking news of my life.
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Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system. This system is a part of your immune system, along with white blood cells, which is where Hodgkin’s lymphoma starts.
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Lymph nodes are small organs sometimes described as “bean-like” and are located throughout the body in different areas. They are found in groups throughout the abdomen, groin, pelvis, underarms, and neck. In addition to those areas, the spleen is in the lymph system; which makes lymphocytes and filters blood. The thymus and the tonsils are also a part of the system.
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I guess first things first, let’s
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Why is it so fast growing? Well the lymphatic system is critical to the body’s surveillance against cancer. It is also one of the most common ways for the cancer cells to spread through the body. Two of the biggest reasons why it is so fast growing are because the lymph system does not have a pump of its own and lack of exercise. Since the lymphatic system does not have a pump of its own this can create old cells to stay in the lymph much longer than wanted. That is why lack of exercise is so unhealthy. It helps the muscles stay awake and healthy enough to contract and move the lymph and old cells out of the
The calendar read July 28, 2014 as I laid on a cold, hard hospital bed awaiting the results of my MRI scan. My waiting came to a sudden end when the Oncologist entered the room with a sorrowful look revealing I had stage 4A Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Lost for words, as I sat in disbelief of the news, tears began to run down my face. Oddly, my tears were not of sadness. At the time, crying just felt like the natural thing to do. My body physically reacted before my mind could even begin to process the information.
This cancer of the lymph nodes starts by destroying the cells apart of the body’s immune system and can be deadly. The 10 year survival rate for this cancer is 59% and requires years of therapy for recovery. When Kate first discovered she was sick, she had to undergo severe chemotherapy that has severely damaged her Kidney. She is currently doing dialysis to try and restore her damaged kidney, but only time will tell if she will need partial removal of her kidney or a complete transplant. When she is not in the hospital herself, she’s checking other patients in. Due to health care needs, Kimball currently works weekends as a receptionist at the Tallahassee Memorial Emergency Center.
As the cause of a painful death for six hundred thousand people annually, cancer affects nearly everyone in some way. Oncologist Vincent T. DeVita Jr., M.D. shares his journey while on, “the front lines of medicine,” and ,”reveals why the war on cancer is winnable- and how we can get there,”(front cover). Most think they know of the hardships cancer patients face, however, DeVita reaches knew depths to further the understanding of the disease to his readers by incorporating vast amounts of pathos and logos. Through over fifty years of extraordinary work in oncology, DeVita shares personal relationships with patients of his who survived and those not as fortunate. Since the fifties, survival rates of this disease lower every year, though
Just four years ago Emily Dumler was living a happy and healthy life with her husband and three kids. Until one summer afternoon when Emily started to feel unwell, her sickness indeed up getting so bad that she checked into urgent care. From there no one could figure out what was wrong with her, and Emily had to stay in the hospital for forty three days, before it was realized that she indeed had cancer. Emily says, “Scott (her husband) and I were actually relieved to find out I had cancer because what I had been going through for the last forty three days was so rough and we wanted to find a treatment that could help me.
In this article, Sarah Cotterill writes about how cancer has changed the way she sees and processes the world she lives in today. During this hard time of her life she has experienced both highs and lows throughout. Cotterill is only 29 years of age but feels she has the knowledge to speak in this topic since she has experienced it first hand.
spleen is a place for immune function, and it kills defective or aged red blood
“’So what’s your story?’” she then then replies “’I already told you my story. I was diagnosed when-‘” He interrupts and says “’No, not your cancer story. Your story. Interests, hobbies, passions, etcetera… Don’t tell me you’re one of those people who becomes their disease. I know so many people like that. It’s disheartening. Like cancer is in the growth business, right? The taking-people-over business. But surely you haven’t let it succeed prematurely’” (Green, 32).
Specific Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to inform the audience about the disease Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and allow them to be more aware about what exactly it is, what the common symptoms are, and how to treat the disease.
The lymphatic system are a complex network of specialised cells and organs that defend the body against infection. Lymphatic organs include the bone marrow, spleen, thymus gland, lymph nodes, tonsils, adenoids, appendix and clumps of tissue in the small bowel. A function of the lymphatic system is to nurture and mature the B and T-lymphocytes (white blood cells vital to immune function). Cancerous changes can take place
The organs that make up the lymphatic and immune system are the tonsils, spleen, thymus gland, lymph nodes, and lymphatic vessels. White blood cells (leukocytes), red blood cells (erythrocytes), plasma, and platelets (thrombocytes) make up the blood. Lymphocytes are leukocytes (white blood cells) that help the body fight off diseases. Two types of lymphocytes are B cells and T cells. Lymphocytes recognize antigens, or foreign substances/matter, in the body. Lymphocytes are a classification of agranulocytes, or cells (-cytes) without (a-) granules (granul/o) in the cytoplasm. B cells are created from stem cells, which are located in the bone marrow. B cells respond to antigens by becoming plasma cells. These plasma cells then create antibodies. Memory B cells produce a stronger response with the next exposure to the antigen. B cells fight off infection and bacteria while T cells defend against viruses and cancer cells. A hormone created by the thymus gland called thymosin changes lymphocytes into T cells. The thymus gland is active when you are a child and slowly shrinks, as you get older. T cells bind to the antigens on the cells and directly attack them. T cells secrete lymphokines that increase T cell production and directly kill cells with antigens. There are three types of T cells: cytotoxic T cells, helper T cells, and memory T cells.
IV. Preview: In order to discuss this topic, I will cover these three main points.
I have an intruder in my body. I got the news today that I have a rare heart cancer, which nobody has ever survived. As I walk out of the doctor's office, I’m dreading the moment when I have to tell my family. I took the long way home, so I could think.
Lymphoma is the name given to a cancer that infects the lymphatic system. In a case of lymphoma the lymphatic system has cells that multiply and cannot be stopped. There are two main types of lymphoma, Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is called
One thing I learned in researching cancer is that in order for cancer to appear in our body it has to avoid being detected by our immune system. The cancer cells have to avoid being detected by the immune system because if they are detected the immune system will try and fight off the abnormality. If your immune system does not detect the abnormality in cells, the cancer cells will grow and reproduce causing cancer to spread rapidly. The cancer cells that are not detected they can create colonies and spread rapidly.
One of the many of the world's problems is sickness, but some diseases have no cure which can result in death. Cancer is a code we just can’t seem to crack and it has taken hundreds of thousands of lives. Everyone knows of someone who has died of or had cancer in their life. It’s a hard sickness to beat but many strong people do beat it, some being children. I have personally seen my family members go through this and of course, some didn’t make it out alive. If you have seen anyone who has cancer, you’ll see how it can take over your body, how that person doesn’t even look like themselves anymore.