I have made a phenomenal amount of progress this semester. English 101 has made me a better writer and editor. Because the modules and peer-editing reviews it was easy to correct and learn from my mistakes. As a writer, I think I can still make an amount of improvement. With it being from mechanic errors and to clear organization skills. As for providing clear and relevant examples I have made improvements. I say I’m an average, but growing writer. I have my skills and weakness, but I still try harder. When I first came to English 101 I thought I had it down packed. In high school, I took AP Lit, a advanced placement English class. AP Lit offered a college level course, teaching us high school students college curricular. But when I received my first assignment, I hesitated, not knowing what to write. Then modules were introduced, making it better to reflect on. Constantly I relied on modules and notes, which helped me improve in my writing, in result giving me better feedback. As I progress along the semester, my final paper grades have improved. From starting on my political analysis project to finishing my argumentative essay. My political analysis paper ended with a 70%. The 70% is from the lack of transition and the lack of specific audiences. Also analyzing my information and relating back to my thesis. My last assignment, my argumentative essay ended with a 90%. In my argumentative essay I had a acceptable analysis and did great relating back to the
The reason I’m taking English 100 is to get myself into English 101. I didn’t score high in the placement test so I started from English 98, and now I’m in English 100. So baby steps I was never really good in English or writing essays I always had a huge struggle with it. Trying to make my paragraphs flow but I know I’ve gotten much better since I’ve started from the bottom and little by little making my way up. I prefer not to take English but its mandatory to take to get my Associates Degree. My expectations in this class is to not struggle writing essays being confident knowing I can pass this class with a B average. I want to be able to learn to correct my own paper, and not having so many errors. My weakness in English is having
Throughout the English 101 course, I believe I have thoroughly improved in my writing, peer editing, and analyzing readings, along with annotating my thoughts, misunderstandings, and difficulties. I believe I have especially improved on my thesis statements, providing the basis for my essays. My thesis statements have went from being plain and uninteresting to being more detailed, clear, and concise. This enabled me to produced better written essays that are rich in detail, rhetorical statements, evidence, and experiences. I feel as if I came into this course not exactly sure how to write a college paper. I was always more focused on the length of my essays rather than the structure, vocabulary, and ideas my papers were exhibiting. My writing now flows better and presents my ideas in a clear, organized fashion.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (2012), recommends Prevnar vaccination for subjects aged ≥65 y and for those aged 50–64 y at high risk for specific health conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, nephropathies, hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Assaad, El-Masri, Porhomayon, & El-Solh, 2012). For the purpose of launching the scholarly project, I chose the 50 and over adult population ( with comorbid conditions including asthma, COPD and diabetes) because this is the identified patient population who are mostly unaware about the need for Prevnar vaccination.
Throughout my first semester at the University of Portland, the quality of my writing progressively increased. My English 112 class contained many different activities that contributed to helping me become a better writer. Informal writing assignments, class discussions, peer review sessions and the writing center were just some of the resources available to me that helped progress not only my writing ability but my overall reading & writing analysis skills as well. Not only did I make new relationships with my peers, these relationships also helped me understand the content more thoroughly, work out any problems that I had with my ideas, and encourage me to be more social among my fellow classmates as well. Nearing the end of this
As a writer I’ve grown so much throughout my college experience at Rowan University through the writing arts program. I was introduced to the different genres and styles of writing within all of my courses. Specifically, my Senior Seminar Evaluating Writing course. This course introduced me to the many different genres and styles of writing. I learned quickly within this course that the genres in writing can be determined by the literary technique, the tone, the content, the voice, the vocabulary used and even how the long the reading is. Not only did I learn all of the ways to determine a genre, but I have also learned all that would not be considered a genre.
Writing is an important form of communication. It is a personal process that portrays your thoughts and views to someone else. It is not only an important skill to have for school work and certain professions, but daily messages such as emails, texts, and tweets as well. It can have a big impact on how you come across to certain people. Because of this, it is very important for me to practice writing. I believe that this course has improved my writing, which will help me in many ways in the future.
Throughout the timespan of a semester could you improve your writing to where there would be noticeable differences? When writing for English 1010, I noticed that there was obvious weaknesses and minimal strengths or lack thereof in my writing abilities. In many ways I do believe that I was able to improve in areas pertaining to reading, thinking, researching, and writing.
This class has helped me to improve my writing in many ways. Though I do not manage my time as well as I would like to at the moment, I have evolved this aspect of my writing vastly. At the beginning of the semester, it took anywhere between two and four hours to complete an essay, and I would wait until the very last minute to even begin writing. I have learned how to properly manage my time in order to write my essays in a shorter amount of time. I have also increased my ability to find and present sources in an academic essay. Though I still need to polish my ability to present information without bias, I am able to find relevant information in order to further prove my point in an essay. Overall, this class has taught me many valuable things
Looking back in this class, I have realized just how much my writing has improved since the beginning
This past semester in English 205, I learned quite a few ways to improve my writing, such as how to write in certain styles (i.e. APA), along with even memorizing the proper ways to cite different sources for the reference page of my essays. Prior to taking this class, I had great difficultly formatting my essays for other classes in APA, mainly because the only format I learned was MLA in high school, yet all my professors last semester and this semester required their essays to be in APA. Thus, I am glad that I mastered the writing conventions of APA because I will no longer struggle with writing essays for my any classes with the fear that I will get points deducted from my total grade due to formatting. Another technique I am pleased to
Over the course of English 101, I have significantly improved my writing abilities. Through various writing assignments in this class, I have improved immensely. Many of the lessons I learned have come from the major essays. What I learned from these essays can be summed up by using 4 learning outcomes and their sub learning achievements. For each learning outcome, I Succeeded at least 2 of the sub learnings in the category through my essays and had few struggles with the learning outcomes.
The curious incident of the dog in the night is a very interesting book because it covers a very tough and serious subject and that is the one of autism. It touches on a lot of good points, but there is a particular point that really holds strong in my beliefs. And that is that A perfectly normal person is rare in our civilization. There is much evidence to support this claim.
Throughout the semester in english 101 I have gained and developed valuable skills in which have improved my overall writing. From the survey in which I find out my strengths and weaknesses to the the final response essay, I believe I have refined my strengths and improved upon my weaknesses. Also not only have I polished my knowledge on concepts I already covered in high school, but I have learned many new concepts of writing as well. All of these learning aspects of this course are credited to making me an improved writer.
The class discussions surrounding the writing process and your feedback concerning adding personality to my writing will be the subject of this week's entry. First, I'd like to address the feedback concerning the personality (or lack thereof) that you've experienced in the writings I have submit thus far. Throughout my academic career, including my experiences in the “ENG 111” course the emphasis as to what constituted excellent writing has always been placed on syntactics, correct adherence to conventions of American English grammar, and putting forth great effort to elevate diction throughout the writing process (even if such diction might detract from the overall voice or tone of the final product). These precepts of writing being ingrained
Throughout high school, I was regularly told that writing was not my strongest skill. My teachers would constantly “shoot down” my writing because it was never “good enough,” except I never understood what that truly meant. However, this class helped me realize that my writing has “potential for greatness,” but it just requires some more time, thought, and clarification.