
Importance Of Happiness In My Life

Decent Essays

When people ask me what is happiness to me I respond with, “Happiness is when you are joyful and accepting of your circumstances as well as when someone is glad that they are the way that they are.” People then ask me, “What is happiness for you?” “Happiness for me is when my family is doing well and that they don't have to bend over backwards to make sure that they get their bills paid on time. And when they don't it lets me feel as though things are going well and it lets me relax a little more and not worry about them.” They then follow up with, “What makes you happy.” “To me happiness is being with friends and having a fun time, Cooking uninterrupted by anyone, making a great dish for dinner. When i'm happy i feel like everything is …show more content…

I won't forget that time because it was the very first time i ever went onto a ferris wheel and went on a ‘zero-gravity’ ride, though i was terrified on both rides, it was very memorable. I had allot of fun with her and i felt so happy i got to hang out with her and go to a county fair.

I am more of a dreamer, because i fantisize that i will get a great job and make thousands of dollars a paycheck and do all of these things such as, buy a new house, car, fix my grandmas house and so many other things. But im also a bit ambitious, I want to try and have a great job that pays well but that i also loive to do. And i want to do whatever i can to get a good education to get a great job.

When were were watching the movie, ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’, Chris Gardner, had a fight with his wife about how they were in so much debt and thaty they were barely able to pay a single bill. Though the wife was completly correct with how he ‘threw away’ their life savings, he was trying do what he thought was best for his family. And I agree with his wife Linda Gardner because even though he was trying to do the right thing he messed up thewir lives.

Chris gardner had a job he hated but made allot of money, I would rather have a Job i love that makes little money than a job i hate that makes allot of money. The reason is that I would be even if i made the minimum $10/Hr. I could work with what im making to pay whatever bills i have and as my dad says, “learn to

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