
C. S. Lewis Pursuit Of Happiness

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Defining happiness can be very difficult. Everyone has their own perspective of happiness. When speaking about your own perspective it could crash into another’s. Trying to find which one makes the most sense is complicated.
Happiness in the United States is first claimed by the Founding Fathers. After a miserable relationship with Great Britain and King George, the Americans took a stand. In that stand they claimed that all men are created equally and we have the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
C.S Lewis questions how far the right of the Pursuit of Happiness is actually meant to go. He believes we do not have the right to happiness. Lewis is against human urges. He does not like them and does not believe we get to back …show more content…

I am okay with our right to happiness being limited with our laws. If we cross the line in our laws for our happiness then we are harming the society that surrounds us. Of course, Lewis should not claim that we have no right to happiness. He indicates that we cannot destroy our current relationship for love. Which I am totally against because yes we make promises and commitment but so did the other partner. As we grow older, we change, we feel differently, and that’s what makes us human. We hurt someone when we make a decision like this but in the end it’s for the best. C.S Lewis only covers that part of …show more content…

She begins with stating that money does not and cannot fill a person’s basic psychological needs (Rubin 295). Rubin goes on to claim that we do take daily things, like air conditioning and a car, for granted and we do not know how good we have something until it is gone. She does offer a solution to our problem; which is spend money wisely. As long as we know how to use and spend money we can be happy. Rubin brings out the topic of spending out. This means that when we do things or in this case buy things, do not think about the return (Rubin 306). Another idea she mentioned was a indulging in a modest money splurge. A money splurge used on health, relationships, work, etc. can make us

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