
Implementation Plan For Students For Stress And Anxiety Essay

Decent Essays

Implementation Plan
In June 2017, Youth Uprising will create a district wide policy with Alameda County to screen all A.A. students for stress and anxiety (See Appendix A). Starting July 2017, Beauty in the Process program will be the result of the new district-wide policy in Alameda County (See Appendix A). This will be a pilot program for one year at Lincoln Middle School in Alameda, California. Volunteers will be recruited from the school’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and in return each volunteer, up to six persons, will receive a school supply grant for $500. Youth UpRising will provide a program coordinator, certified health educator, social worker and guidance counselor from the organization’s program to make the recruitment processes easier.
The program will partner with Flying Yoga Studios in Alameda, since they already have experience teaching yoga and meditation to younger children. The partnership will give student yoga instructors more community hours while assisting a certified yoga instructor. This will ensure students get more attention during sessions with two paid yoga instructors plus additional student instructors. Volunteers will then be fingerprinted and background checked. Art instructor will be recruited through the Alameda County Department of Education to hire an art instructor with teaching credentials.
There are approximately 900 students at Lincoln Middle School, of which around 6% are African American. The students will be given a

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