
Hpv Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
The Human Papillomavirus known as HPV is a very common virus. There are more than 100 different types of HPV and some affect the genital area. The virus is transmitted by skin to skin contact and by sexual intercourse. A lot of us, women especially will be infected with the virus at some point in our lives. The education that it is out there is to create more preventive measures the more we are inform about the virus the more we will be aware of what it can do. There is very little knowledge about how it can be prevented. Knowing that we are all exposed to the virus women and men we have to educate ourselves about what HPV can cause, how to reduce the risk of getting HPV, and how HPV affects the male population.
There are two types of the Human Papillomavirus, high risk and low risk. Low risk HPV can cause genital warts. High risk types can cause genital cancer. Genital warts are small lesions in the genital area that can be treated with acid and baking soda. Genital cancer like cervical cancer can lead to severe outcomes.
For a better and healthy life we all have to take control and all the preventive measures to prevent ourselves from getting any type of disease. By lowering the risk of getting HPV we can start at a young age. When a person becomes …show more content…

Protocols throughout the years have change incredibly. Going from having the need to collect cervical cells from a women every year to every three years if a women is udner the age of 30. If a papsmear appears to show normal cervical cells, studies have shown that there is no need to retest three years from then. It its four to five years if a women is over the age of 30. The reason behind it its age, women under the age of 30 are more sexually active than a women over the age of 30. Another reason is because a more profound HPV test is added to the Pap smear at that

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