
How Tolkien's Life Influenced His Works

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How Tolkien’s Life Influenced His Writings Thesis: John Ronald Reule Tolkien’s life experiences influenced his writing, beginning as a student, then a soldier, lexigrapher, professor, and then a writer to his own children; Tolkien’s life created the place known to most as Middle-Earth. Introduction Childhood South Africa Baboon Spider Lack of Greenery only sand and rock Early family life Early love of language and Anglo-Saxon literature Early adult life Edith and Tolkien Beren and Luthien Father Morgan’s forbidding of courtship Birmingham Factories and machines Machines and evil in Tolkien’s writings World War One and Professional life Finishing degree before joining the war New English Dictionary Lexicography Academic …show more content…

His greatest achievement in this field was the language spoken in Middle-Earth. As Tolkien grew older, he grew tired of Anglo-Saxon and Latin languages and shifted more towards Germanic languages. Tolkien was very smart but, as he grew so did his life and the challenges that it held. In Tolkien’s early adult life many changes occurred, his mother started becoming very dependent on the Roman Catholic Church for strength and guidance after the loss of her husband. With Tolkien’s faith was strengthened and reaffirmed, Father Morgan the pastor to Tolkien family become the godfather to Tolkien and his brother in the case that their mother died. Their mother died, which left Tolkien and his brother in Father Morgan’s complete care. Father Morgan moved them to an apartment in Birmingham closer to Tolkien’s school. In Birmingham many influences changed Tolkien forever. Tolkien lived in his own apartment in Birmingham at the age of sixteen. He went about his studies normally until the day Tolkien met the one person with the most influence on him in his entire life: Edith Bratt. Edith was nineteen at the time when Tolkien was sixteen; they would talk for hours leaning out the windows of their apartments and have informal dates in coffee shops where they would make a game of throwing sugar cubes into the large hats worn by the women of the time(25 Horne). The story of Beren and Luthien is a story that is directly attributed to Edith. The story was created when

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