
How Is King Arthur An Imperial Hero

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There are many names attributed of one the legendary kings of Britannia. Most people know him as Arthur Pendragon without knowing that he originally carried a different name, Lucius Artorius Castus. This is the name that inspired the tales of Geoffrey of Monmouth centuries ago.
The recollections and inspiration of The Fall of King Arthur by J.R.R Tolkien can be compared to the film King Arthur (2004), which presents a romantic side of the king we know now as “Arthur”. Other important facts mentioned throughout this short investigative comparison were based on the article by Jeffrey E. Jackson titled The Once and Future Sword: Excalibur and the Poetics of Imperial Heroism in Idylls of the King. This article contrasts and compares different perspectives …show more content…

The poem narrates the adventures of Arthur and Gawain throughout a war campaign against the Saxons. The campaign is eventually cut short due to the betrayal of Mordred, who tries to usurp Arthur’s kingdom. The movie portrays a far more romantic rise of the king, which should be compared to the traditional legend.
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) was an English scholar, specializing in Old and Middle English. He wrote a number of stories, including most famously The Hobbit (1937). Amongst his literary works lies The Fall of King Arthur, a tale he never was able to finish.
The film King Arthur portrays Artorius Castus, a Roman cavalry officer, the son of a Roman father and a Celtic mother, who commands a unit of Sarmatian auxiliary cavalry in Britain. The story begins when Arthur loses his mother to a Celtic attack on his village and going to his father’s grave to get his sword called Excalibur. In this portrayal, Merlin is the leader of the Celt clan that rebels against to Roman rule. The Once and Future Sword: Excalibur and the Poetics of Imperial Heroism in Idylls of the King is an article that elaborates on one of the classic objects of the Arthurian legend Excalibur, an analysis of Idylls of the King, a recollection of poems that

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