Ever since I was young, I loved to read and the places that books and my imagination could carry me. I also adored traveling to new places and exploring both the historical and natural sites my family would take my brother and I to. But I dreamed of traveling around the world, to new places, cultures and people, as my parents often told us of when they had spent a year in England and lived on a canal boat. I strived for any chance to go abroad so when my grandparents decided to take a trip back to Lithuania, I asked to go along. Unfortunately, my grandfather had a heart attack and the trip was cancelled while he recovered. Later, one of my closest cousins took a post-graduate trip abroad through the Rotary Youth Exchange Program, deferring her …show more content…
I was fascinated by her experience and wanted the same, to experience the world, but also find myself and gain insight towards what I wanted to do with my life. I applied to the Rotary program over the summer before my senior year and went to one of my local Rotary group's meetings where I explained what I wanted to do and hoped for during the trip and afterwards in college. They decided to sponsor me and I was then set up for interviews in Harrisburg in November. After the morning of interviews, I received a call that I had been accepted and would participate in the Compatibility Weekend that took place that day into the next. We discussed the difficulties and rewards of the program, how to respect, learn, work together and be open minded, and what to do in tough situations. We also chose our top three countries after research and counseling from previous Rotary students and leaders in the Rotary Council. After the weekend, I received another phone call that I was accepted into the Rotary Program and would be sent abroad. The next step is in January, when I learn what country I'll be going
I have heard the phrase, “life isn’t easy”, so many times in my life. And I finally realized the truth in it.
I believe that when people come together, it’s a beautiful thing. And when someone who can’t do something tries to do it and everyone else helps, that is a great moment.
Traveling offers endless opportunities to consistently learn, and achieve new objectives. This includes but is not limited to, trying varieties of dishes, encountering new individuals, and gaining a sense of accomplishment, and victory. The amount of opportunities to learn, teach and share characteristics such as these are endless, and experiences like these are priceless. Being a world traveler has impacted me deep and permanently and has changed my ideas on life for the better. There is no greater feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction as there is when you are a world traveler. The earth is more beautiful than man can perceive. Life is an adventure. The world is your
Everyone holds a unique and distinctive story that describes an individual. My story started on December 20, 1995, the day I was born. I am known as Javier Alexander Bonilla Jr, named after my father. At first glance at me there is not much to think of, merely a young lad trying to obtain an Associate of Arts Degree in Accouning. However, I am an optimistic and open minded individual who thrives for success. Currently I work for the City of Hialeah as an Assistant to the Operator Concession. Though I love my job due to the fact everyone is so nice and allows me to study while being on duty, but I am always in a search for a better position within the City. Due to all the working and studying, my spare time is devoted to hanging out with friends or playing basketball.
Hi I’m Paige and if you had told me last year I’d be in Office Administration I would’ve said, “no way, not even close”. That’s one of those jobs requiring you to be cool calm and collected. The atmospheres are peaceful and then people work constantly. It’s the opposite of my desired profession and personality. I’m the opposite of my career, or well it was until I met my instructor, Miss Young. She changed my mind about how I perceived the trade and what I could do with the skills once I completed. Was very instrumental in helping me obtain the necessary skills to make the most money in the field of Office work. I managed to get my typing up to the speed of over 60 words per minute. I learned all the processes of Windows Operating Systems, I even got a glimpse of Windows 10. Using
Imagine a girl, only six, preoccupied with the normal aspirations of a child, clueless as to the chaos bound to ensue. Now envision her life thrown into a pandemonium of distress and disorder. Her father, no longer there, but seven thousand miles away. Her mother, five siblings, and her— soon to follow. But nevertheless, they return, only to face a plethora of inauspicious obstacles. I’m that girl, now seventeen. And this is my story.
A Personal narrative is somewhat of a personal essay written about something tragic or informative that the writer has experience and trying to encourage the reader to learn from his/her past. Writing an essay come with its own sets of challenges such as producing ideas that can be both solid and entertaining. For me, a personal narrative is an essay that involves me expressing my ideology, creativity, and hidden emotions. There are many things that I take into perspective when writing an appealing personal narrative essay. The key points in writing the essay is the convey information by providing important details that spark interest and enthusiasm to the reader.
The summer after my freshman year in Vietnam, I confronted the biggest challenge I ever imagined – leaving my home to study in the foreign American world. I trembled at the reckless idea, and how I had to relinquish everything I held dear – my friends, whom I cherished as my family, my culture, and my very identity – for an uncertain possibility to further my chances at success in life.
I was born into a family that has had some troubles internally, but we have been strong financially. During my life, this meant I never had to worry about my family being in a tough place financially or us not being able to afford necessities. In the 7th grade, I moved to Houston to live with my mom for the 2nd semester. I was only 13 so things were starting to get real to me. At first when I got to Houston, I was very nervous because I didn't know anyone. As the first few days went on, I started to meet a lot of new friends and then school became awesome. One of my new friend's birthday was approaching and it was the first time I had hung out with my friends outside of school. As we got out of school that Friday, we all went home quickly before meeting up for his birthday.
Sitting at my desk, working on a spreadsheet was the first time I realized that I was not where I was meant to be. I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing with my life. Growing up in Cleveland, in a single-parent household, there was never really expectations for me other than to graduate from high school. I was the first in the family to graduate from college. I thought I had everything figured out. I finished with a B.A. in Finance, and was able to secure a great job as an insurance recruiter right out of college. I was able to travel the country, and met many interesting people. I can remember a conversation with a woman in Utah who asked me what my passion was. At the time, money was really the only passion that came to mind. I did not realize it at the time, but I had no idea what my passion was. I later took an analyst job with the same company, and with the promotion came more
I was born and raised in Texas. I attended private school till my freshman year of high school. Then I went to an early college high school. I started taking college courses my sophomore year at iSchool High - Montgomery in the Woodlands (yes that’s the full name). By my senior year, I’ve completed 32 credits, was part of the Honors College Program, and Sigma Kappa Delta, an English Honors Society at the Lone Star College - Montgomery Campus. I’m thankful for taking dual credit classes early on in high school. All I have been wanting to do is travel and with the great opportunity, I am able to. This will be my second time traveling abroad; my first time was during the summer. I went to Istanbul, Turkey with my family. But this will be the first
I came back home to pack my belongings in order to be hospitalized. I did not know whether I would ever be able to come back to my place with sound body. I sincerely regretted my drinking and smoking habit. Those bad habits may have triggered or helped development of the cancer. However, nothing much I could do at that moment. The only one I can rely on was God. I prayed and tried to stay strong and be focus on a miraculous recovery. However my situation did not get better. The flow of urine got weaker, and it took longer to empty my bladder. I had to go to the toilet frequently, because a little drop of urine kept trickle out and it stained underpants right after my toilet usage. I did not feel complete emptiness of my bladder. Yet I prayed
Throughout my life I have had highs and lows. Two years ago, my family moved a couple houses down from the house we were renting previously right in Madison. Life is full of changes and this move was a big change in my life. I was ready for this change even though it was unexpected because I knew it was bound to happen some day.
My entire childhood I lived with my maternal grandparents. My grandpa drove a truck and was only home on weekends, while my grandma stayed home with me. I had the same rotating schedule for visiting my mom, I stayed the entire month of June, a week in october, a week in January, and if it was an odd year I went to stay on all major holidays. My life was fairly predictable until the day my grandparents decided to divorce.
On a cool and crisp Saturday fall morning, I tiredly moved out of my bed and stumbled to my feet. Barely able to open my eyes, my dad comes barging into my room with a job in mind for me to do. “Today I want you to vacuum, mow the lawn, and clean up your room before you go out with your friends,” stated my dad. I knew from that point on that my day went just went from being potentially really good to really bad. In my mind, I knew that I didn’t want to do my chores, but I knew that by doing them was the only way that I would be able to go out with my friends. I knew that Friday during school I had made plans to go to Six Flags with my friends which we have wanted to do for what feels like forever. I then felt motivated to start my day from there on forth.