
How My Caffeine Changed My Life

Decent Essays

Coffee is the second most consumed drink in the world. People down the drink in hopes that it will stir them from their sleepy state; most of the time it works, other times the bitterness of the drink cannot overcome the challenges set before it.
Most days, coffee comes to the rescue; other days it fails to give me even a few minutes of full consciousness. Despite this, caffeine has always been there to push me through sleepless nights, drowsy evenings at work, and difficult mornings; similarly, my mother has strengthened me, directly and indirectly, to push past masses of barriers, both miniscule and insurmountable.
When I reach a roadblock in schoolwork; a long, complex project due the next day, numerous tedious packets resembling Einstein’s scratch work, or reading assignments of preposterous lengths, my mother recounts a common incident from me and my sibling’s early years in public school. …show more content…

My mom would look at the worksheets like they were written in a strange language, because they were. She did not speak or understand English at the time; she despised not being able to help us on our homework. She did the only thing she could do. With her only Spanish-English dictionary in hand, she would look up each individual word until she understood and was able to help. This continued for years until we were able to comprehend assignments by ourselves. She concluded saying we have been independent for the vast majority of our education, and despite her lack of knowledge in advanced math, English, and engineering courses she would always be a constant presence, supporting us through sleepless nights and long

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