
How Does Scrooge Change In A Christmas Carol

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever met someone who hated Christmas. Well in a “Christmas Carol”is about a man who hates Christmas. The story takes place eve until the day after Christmas. The three spirits visits Scrooge to teach him about the meaning of Christmas. Scrooge transformers over the course of the play because of what the spirits show him: he changes from a miser to a philanthropist. According to the text Scrooge changes because of what the Spirits show him. In the text it states in Act one,scene 3,and page 58 Scrooge finds out tiny tim will die. Also in act two scene 3 ,number 76 Scrooge is reminded how good his master was to him. Another detail was that in act one scene three and number 31 Marley tries to explain how tortured he is in death. In

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