
How Does Scrooge Change In A Christmas Carol

Decent Essays

Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, is about a selfish and grouchy man named Ebenezer Scrooge, who dislikes Christmas and charity. In order to fix his undesirable qualities, Scrooge is visited by three spirits, the Spirit of Christmas Past, the Spirit of Christmas Present, and the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come. These three spirits use their differences and similarities to teach Scrooge lessons that would change his egocentric ways.
The first Spirit that visits Scrooge is the Spirit of Christmas Past, a peaceful, wise, and kind character. “The voice was soft and gentle”(Dickens Stave 2 pg 41). This Spirit’s job is to take Scrooge to view some of his previous Christmases. The scenes the spirit chooses to show him affect him greatly. Each scene reminds Scrooge of several things. First, it shows him that he had a …show more content…

The Spirit of Christmas Past shows Scrooge how selfish and greedy he has become, and helps him realize how he can fix it. The Spirit of Christmas Present allows Scrooge to see what Christmas would be like if he doesn’t change his ways, and his perspective towards people he knows. The Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come shows Scrooge what will happen if he doesn’t change his ways, but in a more alarming way. The three visits with the different spirits together alter Scrooge’s actions and thoughts, and change him as a person. As the last spirit is about to leave, he pledges, “‘I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, Present, and the Future. The spirits of all three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach…’” (Dickens, Stave 4, page 118). After this, Scrooge goes on to redeem himself by severely changing his attitude towards the world. Without the different teachings of the three Christmas Spirits, Scrooge would never have changed to become a better

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