Romeo And Juliet Final Essay Mike McClure once said “Maturity is learning to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self respect, values, morals, and self worth.” In contrast, throughout the events of the novel, both characters, Romeo and Juliet, display no ideal actions that resemble maturity. Although the narrative takes place in an antiquated time where teenagers portray mature characters, Romeo and Juliet only seem to characterize adolescence and immaturity. Due to the lack of age in both Romeo and Juliet, the two “star crossed lovers” lack experience, creating a first hand view of their adolescence. Consequently, Romeo and Juliet mistaken the feeling of attraction for love, resulting in their spontaneous marriage. In Act 2, Scene 3, Romeo states: Then plainly know my heart’s dear love is set on the fair daughter of …show more content…
As mine is on hers, so hers is set on mine, And all combined, save what thou must combine By holy marriage. When and where and how (2.3.61-65). In this quote, shortly after meeting Juliet, Romeo affirms his love for her, as well as admitting to Friar Lawrence the necessity and urgency in getting married. However, with the impulse to get married immediately, Romeo and Juliet fail to think about the repercussions of their marriage and the true commitment and meaning of being wedded. This causes their adolescence, as their young minds inefficiently decompose the results of this action. In addition, to further evince their adolescence, it can be built on that without the advice of his friends, Romeo is incapable of acting rationally and logically. For instance, shortly after the death of Mercutio and the disappearance of Benvolio, Romeo is banished to Mantua by himself. In Mantua, Romeo receives the news that Juliet is dead and states, “Come,
In the end, Juliet chooses a relationship with Romeo, and then they kill themselves. In other words, Juliet’s alternatives are a young relationship or an adult relationship, and she determines the young relationship with her life. This paper will discuss similarities between the young and adult relationships and differences between them in
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. Both Romeo and Juliet are young and sprightly teenagers, Romeo being 15-16 and Juliet with the age of 13. They are teens that make impulsive decisions without thinking about the consequences. David Dobbs the author of the article “Beautiful Brains” explains why teenagers act the way they do throughout scientific research and studies. This article helps to understand Romeos and Juliets actions which led to their deaths.
Romeo meets Friar Lawrence in his cell to confess his love for Juliet and his wishes for them to be happily married. Romeo: Then plainly know my heart's dear love is set On the fair daughter of rich Capulet; As mine on hers, so hers is set on mine, And all combin'd, save what thou must combine By holy
In act 2 Romeo is speaking to the Friar. Romeo is constantly begging the Friar to marry Romeo and Juliet right away, on that day. “Then plainly know my heart's dear love is set/ on the fair daughter of rich Capulet/ As mine on hers, so hers is set on mine/And all combined save what thou must combine/ By holy marriage.
Examining the sequence of events it becomes apparent that Romeo and Juliet were married the night they first laid eyes upon each other. Numerous articles expound that teenager’s social lives have not completely developed and acquaintances become a priority. The article “Beautiful Brains” elucidates this by saying, “They react to social ups and downs as if their fates depended upon them.” Evidence of this assertion is demonstrated by Romeo’s abrupt transition from Rosaline to Juliet. At the conclusion to this theatrical work both thespians eradicate their own existences for
Romeo and Juliet Essay Love is magical, insane, unpredictable, and crazy. Some love crazier than others, but to this remarkable novel is another page all to itself. One that has authors, directors, and story-writers all around the world look back onto it and make hundreds of similar stories and movies. This story is an incredible journey of “two star-crossed lovers” formed into a tale of action, family, and woe. The writer to this amazing story in none other than William Shakespeare with his famous tragedy “Romeo and Juliet.”
When Romeo and Juliet meet at the Capulet party, they immediately fall in love. They decide to get married, even though their families are rivals and hate each other. Romeo states; " heart dear love is set on the fair daughter of rich Capulet; as mine is on hers, so hers is set on mine." (2.4, 57-59) This quote is of Romeo telling Friar Lawrence that he loves and wants to marry Juliet.
How does Shakespeare show Romeo and Juliet's maturity? In this play, Romeo and Juliet did mature very rapidly. They went from being teenagers than to being adults. An example is at the beginning they went from being young innocent kids. Then they became a married couple that cared about each other.
Romeo and Juliet are both at young and immature at the start of the play. They actually get married the same weekend they meet. Not to mention Romeo was just in love with someone else just before meeting Juliet. This was pretty childish of the both of them. Though they were careless during this time, they both mature and grow as people through the entirety of the play.
Option 1- Romeo and Juliet did not mature throughout the play and had the same maturity level throughout the novel. Imagine being two star-crossed lovers, bound to be together, but everything keeps ripping the love apart. Romeo and Juliet show how passionate they are to each other in the novel, but fail to grow maturity wise. One question that is asked at the end of the novel is, “ Did Romeo and Juliet mature throughout the novel?” this question is rightfully answer as, no.
Some people wonder and stumble, other know exactly where they’re going, but only to a point in which there is a fork in the road. This happens often in William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, where they think they know what to do, and then they change plans and may fall. In Romeo and Juliet, the children of youth are unexperienced with life lessons and maturity is to blame for the death of both Romeo and Juliet, because of the fact that Romeo and Juliet both rushed into marriage, and are desperate to find love. In the heart breaking play of Romeo and Juliet, the two young star cross lovers rushed into their marriage which leads to their deaths.
Romeo and Juliet Romeo as a character matures from just a normal teenager from the beginning of the play to a man through the course of the play, the events affect Romeo directly to spur his maturity. Romeo’s marriage with Juliet was the starting line of his character maturing. But it is with the death of Mercutio, Tybalt and the acceptance of his exile, that Romeo finally becomes an adult. Throughout the course of the play Romeo makes stubborn mistakes the shapes his maturity, but also results in the tragic death of Juliet and him. With Romeo and Juliet’s marriage, Romeo matures and doesn’t just think about himself, but everyone that is important around him, especially Juliet.
When most people think of teens and kids, they really don't put in the fact that they mature in their years and they will soon become a different person. In the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare the two main characters have matured greatly from the begging of this play to the end. Romeo and Juliet is most definitely a play on how they can mature in a matter of days and decide whether or not they want to live or die for each other. Deciding whether you want to live or die for someone is a big decision to make and for one to teen make that decision is very difficult.
Romeance Romeo and Juliet was a play about two star-crossed lovers whose families were rivals and even though their families attempted to prevent them from being together, they still found ways to come together to end the lethal feud between their families. Throughout the play a lot of the characters had to go through changes, which cause them to mature and develop. The character who developed the most in this story was Romeo. This is because he was able to get over someone and find someone who he really loved, move past family differences on his own, and ultimately make a point to his family that he would do anything for the one he truly loves.
“Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act [one’s] feelings within the bounds of dignity. The measure of [one’s] maturity is how spiritual [one becomes] during the midst of [his/her] frustrations”. In William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, two teenage, star-crossed lovers, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, make decisions that lead them to confront many abhorrent and unsatisfactory events. In addition, not only do these inadequate experiences lead to their lamentable deaths, but also contribute immensely to the lovers’ development of maturity and mental growth. These inevitable experiences test and exhibit their high degrees of competence towards these situations.