
Impulsive Moves In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Throughout the tragic drama of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the youthful protagonist makes impulsive moves. Romeo and Juliet demonstrate emotional responses directly linked to the maturity of the teenage brain. Detailed studies were conducted on the frontal lobe of numerous adolescent teenagers. These commentaries aid readers in understanding considerably more about actions and reactions of teenagers. I have conjectured the belief that the impulsive actions adolescents made throughout the drama are explained by the articles “The Teen Brain”, “Understanding the Mysterious Teenage Brain”, and “Beautiful Brains.” A prominent segment from Romeo and Juliet is the duel between Romeo and Tybalt. This quarrel originated almost suddenly which astonished countless observers. According to “The Teen Brain” Romeo’s lack of sleep became a contributing factor of his obstreperous encounter. “The Teen Brain” states, “Sleep deprivation can increase impulsive behavior: some researchers report finding that it is a factor of delinquency.” Romeo became neglected of sleep’s nurturing and sensation. Romeo’s lack of sleep amplified his indignation until he snapped, demolishing Tybalt in the process. …show more content…

Examining the sequence of events it becomes apparent that Romeo and Juliet were married the night they first laid eyes upon each other. Numerous articles expound that teenager’s social lives have not completely developed and acquaintances become a priority. The article “Beautiful Brains” elucidates this by saying, “They react to social ups and downs as if their fates depended upon them.” Evidence of this assertion is demonstrated by Romeo’s abrupt transition from Rosaline to Juliet. At the conclusion to this theatrical work both thespians eradicate their own existences for

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