
Examples Of Tribalism In Romeo And Juliet

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William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet focuses on the tribalism that comes between the two main characters. In their hometown, Verona, Romeo and Juliet are part of the rival families Montagues and Capulets. Romeo and Juliet are loyal to their house, but despite that, they still fall in love and get married. The rivalry between their families is an introduction to one of the play's main themes - tribalism. Although tribalism is one of the main themes of this play, it's also one of the main hurdles Romeo and Juliet have to overcome. In Romeo and Juliet, the theme of tribalism is developed in the fight between Romeo and Tybalt, through their hidden marriage, and during constant fighting and disagreement throughout the story, Tribalism ultimately …show more content…

When Romeo and Juliet meet at the Capulet party, they immediately fall in love. They decide to get married, even though their families are rivals and hate each other. Romeo states; " heart dear love is set on the fair daughter of rich Capulet; as mine is on hers, so hers is set on mine." (2.4, 57-59) This quote is of Romeo telling Friar Lawrence that he loves and wants to marry Juliet. The Friar's reaction is surprised that Romeo, a Montague, wants to marry Juliet, who is a Capulet. His reaction showcases that a Montague even liking a Capulet is rare because they hate each other. He has to explain why he loves and wants to marry Juliet because the Friar is shocked at this connection between the houses. This conversation introduces the theme of tribalism and continues to do so when Romeo fights …show more content…

Since the very beginning of the story, they have been arguing against each other. Tybalt and Romeo's relationship is an example of this. Tybalt talks to Lord Capulet about his anger and frustration towards Romeo's appearance at the Capulet party. Tybalt says; "It fits when such a villain is a guest. I shall not endure him." (1.5, 74-75) This conversation shows the hate Tybalt has for Romeo and the Montagues in general. This is an example of Tribalism, because Tybalt is loyal to the Capulet house, and he does not like how Romeo involves himself. This hate is an obvious problem throughout the story, because Romeo, a Montague, and Juliet, a Capulet, get married. Their families, who hate each other, now join. This conversation is important to the development of

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