
How Does Mercutio Change The Mood Of Romeo And Juliet

Satisfactory Essays

The timeless, tragic love story Romeo and Juliet is full of important characters that shape and complete the play. Mercutio is just one of the many characters vital for the turnout of the play. The reaction given by Mercutio when he finds out Romeo is in love gives the story a bit of a much needed comical essence. Next Mercutio did not think Romeo should get involved with capulet Juliet, this conflicting viewpoint gives the story a dynamic plot making it more interesting for the reader. Finally the death of Mercutio changed the mood of the play and added Tragedy to the happy theme. There are many ways Mercutio has shaped the play Romeo and Juliet.
When Mercutio found out that Romeo was in love with Rosaline all he could do was tease him.

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