
How Does Janie Use Symbols In The End Of The Novel

Decent Essays

The novel is primarily about a woman who struggles in her search for self while trying to reconcile her beliefs with those imposed on her by society and the men in her life. Important symbols in the novel include, the horizon, hurricane, Porch, Janie’s hair, gates, the pear tree, Land ownership and wealth, Janie’s overalls. All of the symbols provide the reader with clues as to how and why Janie’s grows and developments into the person she becomes by the end of the novel. Horizon symbolises Janie’s life long search for happiness. Pear tree indicates that Janie is maturing sexually and mentally and her interest towards love and romance is increasing. She possesses idealistic views towards love and romance. For example, “It had called her to …show more content…

Symbol like hurricane in the novel indicate that nature can be challenging and destructive. Hurricane is used to represent the opposite of the horizon in the novel. Janie’s hair has also been used to symbolise her personality and identity. The lines in the novel, "Before she slept that night she burnt up every one of her head rags and went about the house next morning with her hair in one thick braid swinging well below her waist." (Hurston 85). This depicts how her hairs depict her emotions and freedom. The word store in the novel represents Joe’s involvement in Janie’s life. The store depicts that Janie’s life was chained to Joe. But when Janie leaves the town for Tea Cake she sells the store thus finding ending her association and memories of Joe. These lines from the novel prove the above statement, "Tea Cake ain't no Jody Starks, and if he tried tuh be, it would be a complete flommuck. But de minute Ah marries 'im everybody is gointuh be makin' comparisons. So us is goin' off somewhere and start all over in Tea Cake's way.", (Hurston 108). Ship symbolises …show more content…

Thus she loses the sight of horizon or American dream. The loss of her dream forced Janie to mentally withdrew the relationship from Joe. But later she finds a true partner in Tea Cake and finally her journey ( in ship) could rest, "Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board. For some they come in with the tide. For others they sail forever on the horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation..."( Hurston 1). Mule in the novel signifies men who work enormously in working hours but are allowed rest in the evening like mules who also in their later part of life enjoy rest. Mule always thinks about freedom after mistreatment from his owner. So, Janie relates her life to mule because she thinks that Joe is exploiting her like a mule but the irony is Joe may free a mule but not her. A mule can represent black women and their oppression by society. The author writes " A little war of defense for helpless things was going on inside her. People ought to have some regard for helpless things." (Hurston 54) which shows Janice miseries. Joe Starks in the novel has been conveyed as the main oppressor of JanieJoe represents sexism found in the book, and is the main oppressor of this

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