
How Does Hamlet Justify His Father's Death

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Although Hamlet believes his actions are righteous, the end does not justify the means. After his father’s death, a ghost visits Hamlet and pleads with him to avenge his father's death. Due to Hamlet’s overwhelming grief, he vows to “purge away the foul crimes” done to his father(1.5.17). His drive to fulfill this pledge and love for his father blinds him to the reality of his fatal actions. For example, his obsession of seeking retribution on Claudius, his father’s killer, causes Hamlet to viciously murder Polonius, an innocent man in King death.However, Hamlet appears unphased by Polonius’s death and goes so far to make cruel, psychotic jokes about the whereabouts of his body. His internal grief and anger deceives him to the severity of …show more content…

Even through the loss of two innocent lives, Hamlet remains unwavered from his revenge plot. In fact, he continues with his normal life. Hamlet regards these deaths as necessary for his final goal, but innocent deaths do not equal justice.
His reign of terror does not end there. Hamlet unknowingly brings about the death of Laertes and the queen. In a duel, Laertes also hopes to inquire vengeance on Hamlet for his father’s (Polonius) death. HOwever, in a wave of madness both Hamlet and Laertes are pierced with a sword “unbated and envenomed” (5.2.348). Even though Hamlet had no knowledge of the poison, his hands brought Laertes to his deathbed. Furthermore, Hamlet brought the poison on himself for the murder of Polonius. Before he recognizes his insanity, Hamlet has caused the death of an entire family, whom were simply associated with the wrong people. After suspicious behavior from Hamlet, Claudius ventures out to end Hamlet “in a of practice” through Laertes’s duel(4.7.157). However the queen having no knowledge of the poison intended for Hamlet, drinks it. Although she can not be found blame free, her death stands as a side effect of Hamlet’s mission. In an effort to deliver justice for his father, Hamlet inadvertently ends his mother feel the grief of theses deaths. Only then, in a rush of fury, does he achieve his goal. He executes Claudius, but the tragedy he inflicted on those around him did not give him the justice he sought.

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