
How Did The Us Build The Berlin Wall

Decent Essays

The Berlin Wall was a wall that was made to stop the flow of emigrants from East Berlin to West Berlin. The wall caused more tension between the already strained relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States because the wall stood as a frightening symbol of the Cold War’s division between East and West Berlin. The wall also increased hostility towards communism, because communists had built the wall and people did not like communism. However, would this wall cause as much strife between the two countries today? Today, the United States and the Soviet Union do not occupy Germany, but if they did, there would be an equal amount, if not more tension that would be caused.

The Berlin Wall was a wall set in place to try and stop the flow of emigrants between east and west Berlin. After World War II, the Allied forces split Germany into four occupation zones. The United States, Great Britain, and France all got the three western Germany sectors, while the Soviet Union got the East …show more content…

This is because of our current relationship with Russia being strained from their tampering with our recent presidential election, and because now there would be military force sent to try and resist the wall, unlike the 1960’s through the 80's. Also, although they are now one country, East and West Germany still show differences. For example, even though the wall has been removed, the division continues to be seen through differences in birth rates, migration patterns, age structures, and the economy. These differences may be evident of increased tension during a crisis such as physical separation. Another reason that the Berlin Wall would cause just as much tension today would be because of the religious differences between the two parts of the city. Like the two ideologies during the time of the Berlin wall, these religious differences might clash and cause more tension between the two parts of the

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