
How Did The South Lead To The Civil War

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What lead to one of the bloodiest war that was every fought on America? There were many different factors that led to the war between the south and the north. The main reason was that the north wanted to get rid of slavery because they didn’t have many slaves unlike the people in the south. Southern wanted to keep slavery because it was the cheapest and most profitable way of making money off their crops. Also the south wanted to expand west with slaves and that idea was slowly starting to end because the north did not like that idea. Slavery is what lead to the bloodiest wars every fought on American soil. The south never wanted to give up slavery because slaves let plantations make the most money they possible could. The south wanted to expand to south because the size of their farms every growing is size fast because of an invention the cotton gin. This made slavery become very profitable the more slaves that an owner had the more money they could make. Cotton gin “revolutionized the process of separating cotton from its seed, making it dramatically faster and expensive” (Civil war). Which is why the south want to keep slavery. If slavery ended they the plantations owners would loss a bunch of money because they would have to pay people to pick there …show more content…

North thought the “black people were inferior to whites, but the doubt the benevolence of slavery” (civil war). The north started to become a safe a safe place to be for free black people or people escaping their slave owners. Also a few blacks became educated and started to even raise more tension between the too different sides. Also since the north was more industrial they did not need slaves. They also thought “slavery impeded the spread of factories and mills, and argued with the planters” (isreview). People the north didn’t want to be held back they want to move forward and get rid of

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