
The Civil War: The Bloodiest War In American History

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The Civil War, the bloodiest war in American History, had many causes that turned brother against brother. The issue of slavery was the largest conflict between the north and the south. The south was upset with many things such as Slavery, government, and legislative issues. All these conflicts eventually led to secession, and the horrific war began.
Slavery was one of the main factors sending the north and south into a raging war. There was more to than just slavery being abolished. Slavery being abolished to the south was like the government was taking abilities and money from them. Thus making them feel as if they were being done wrong. Also a majority of southerners were plantation owners needing slaves to work the farms so they could earn …show more content…

Where the conversation of if a slave made it north would he be considered free. But he lost of course and they said if you are a slave and moved north you are still a slave, basically making every state a possible slave state. Therefore going against the Missouri compromise where for every slave state there is a free state. There were other problems with compromises such as the compromise of 1850 which was unconstitutional but still accepted later. It was first approached and the south told the north to stop trying to abolish slavery and the bill did not make it through. Then it was split into several bills so each congressman could vote on them. Thus making it pass and put into place on the Mexican-war territory. Only fueling the fire in the south and pushing them farther towards a civil war. The final straw was the Kansas Nebraska act leaving them the choice of slavery being allowed or not. This going against the Missouri compromise. Which stopped slavery north of the latitude 36’30. Angering the north and making them feel like their laws mean nothing to the south.
These all being fuel for the anger of one of the bloodiest battles known to America, the Civil war. All contributing equally to make the north and south have a great despise for each other. Although not everyone fought with anger some only fought just because they lived in the south or the north. But nonetheless they were still fighting for some cause almost ending in total destruction throughout America and already destroying many families. The death toll being 620,000 men equivalent to 6 million men today losing their lives. In all being one of the worst dark moments in American history known

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