
How Did Martin Luther King Jr Deserve His Honor

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As Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” Michael Luther King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta Georgia. His parents’ names were Alberta Williams and Martin Luther. You may be asking, who is Michael? That is the name Martin Luther King Junior was born with, but then had his name changed by his father when he was five years old. He grew up to be a very intelligent and gifted student because he skipped grades nine through twelve as he entered college at age fifteen. He then got a bachelor’s degree in sociology four years later, at age nineteen. As he grew up a little more, he went on in his life as a baptist minister. He then died on April 4th, 1968, at a very young …show more content…

Some people would disagree with that thought, and say that so many other people were working hard to change the world too, and they did not get such honor. But it is very clear that he does deserve his honor. It showed very much throughout society that Martin Luther King Jr. had a very big impact on America. Between the years 1955 and 1968, after the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendment which outlawed slavery in the U.S, gave blacks citizenship, and gave them the right to vote, Martin Luther King Jr. had a humongous impact on changing America. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote that "all men are created equal.” And after that was stated, Martin Luther King Jr. made sure that that was the way it was. It might have taken years to accomplish, but he did it. All men were finally created equal. Also, he showed the world how much blacks were mistreated. Although he had help from many other people in America, as stated on, his strong leadership and outstanding speech gave people the strength, courage, and faith to work peacefully. Eventually, after his amazing speech, it led to laws which made life more fair for everyone. Like stated earlier, according to, after the war in 1776, slaves were officially given the freedom that they deserved through the amendments of the Constitution. With the help of Martin, that was …show more content…

Some might say that he should not be this high honored for only giving a “speech”. But that is so wrong to say that. Because of his “speech”, not only did he earn multiple awards, but he also made a huge impact on all of our lives. Martin Luther King Jr. is famously known for his “I Have A Dream” speech which he presented in 1963. After he presented the speech, he was then awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 as the youngest person ever to receive such a high honor. And what was even more awesome, was that when he got his money from the prize, he donated all of the $54,123, which would be about $400,000 today, to the Civil Rights Movement. King was also given many other awards. As stated by, “On this day, July 11, in 1977, for his tireless work in promoting civil rights for all citizens, President Jimmy Carter awarded Martin Luther King Jr. the Presidential Medal of Freedom.” This just goes to show how many people really adored him as a whole being. He got so many special “thanks” in all kinds of form. Along with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, according to, he was “awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, the nation’s highest civilian honor”. King is also outstandingly one of only four non-presidents to be honored with a memorial, which is placed in Washington D.C. He is such an honored person in society and he deserves all

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