good afternoon, Today a teacher caught Gavin in the Kindergartners' backpacks. I am not sure if he took anything. It was during the time after specials and before he got on the bus. Also today he go on check from Mrs. Litz. for talking out of turn. In my class we had no problems, but during our reading time at the end of the day he would not read. Thank you, Mrs. Gilliam
Recently, I witnessed a pupil at my setting using inappropriate language during a music lesson, where the class teacher was not present. I took the pupil to one side and bent to their level. I informed the pupil that the language they had used was both inappropriate and unacceptable. I told the pupil that I would be informing the class teacher of the incident and that should it happen again, I would be sending them straight to the head teacher’s office. Another child had overheard the inappropriate language and copied it. I took the same action with the second child, and then separated them, moving one child to the other side of the classroom. After the music lesson, I informed the class teacher of both incidents, who thanked me for my input and said that the pupils would need to be closely monitored for the rest of the day.
No, he does not. The teacher has grounds to inform immediately to the school officials about the situation that he has observed. In this scope, the teacher’s information constitutes a reasonable suspicion, which is reliable by school officials.
Due to student oppositional and suspicious behavior and Officer Lee concerns about student possibly having drugs on campus we asked student to search his bag. Student became more defiant using profanity towards Officer Lee and I, and saying “You are not going to search my bag.”
My virtual child is a male, named Gavin (Manis, 2008). The name Gavin was chosen because it is a personal favorite and it is also similar to my paternal grandmother’s maiden name, Gavaghan. Gavin has one virtual sibling, a younger sister named Chloe. There is a three year age difference between the two siblings. According to the program I had a partner and we were married. Unfortunately, when Gavin was four years old we continued to argue and decided to separate. Two years later, we finally decided that the relationship was over and to get a divorce.
The first Friday of New Year, Darrell didn't want to go to the supermarket parking lot to met Tyray because he didn't want to be scared of Tyray. He decided that he didn’t want pay to him again. At school, Tyray came and asked Darrell about his money, but the teacher came in so Tyray went away. When they went to eat lunch, Tyray and Darrell started fighting and then Tyray was crying because he broke his wrist. Finally, they were both sent to the principal office. At that time, Darrell told the principal what happened. In conclusion, Tyray got suspended and Darrell got a warning.
Aside from punishment for the entire class; an educator can establish positive reinforcement to encourage the more appropriate behavior. It can be proven that punishment only teaches a student what not to do, but without a reinforcement; the student will only be made aware of the negative behaviors he/she is exuding instead of what is also expected of them. One technique a teacher can use is shaping; when the final response is clearly identified and is begun by reinforcing any behavior that approximates a step towards the final response, no matter how remote. In the case of Billy, an educator should initially define expectations in detail; explain to the students what is to be expected of them while an educator is teaching a lesson and post classroom expectations up on the walls or go a step further and model the expectations. Because the students in this scenario are in elementary school, it is conducive to provide concise instructions about appropriate behavior and have the students practice; allowing them to fully understand what is accepted as appropriate behavior. Furthermore, the teacher should complement Billy when he is behaving in a positive manner such as, sitting quietly or paying attention to the lesson. Granted, Billy will still strive for the attention; this strategy
What Life Is Really Like in the Colonies What do you think life was like in the colonies back in the 1700’s? Well, it is definitely was not just a walk in the park like some rumors say. Living in the early colonies required hard work and determination to stay alive.
Rodriguez to tell me what is going on with her son. She informed me that he is being bullied by other students in his class and nothing is being done about it. I then turn to Andrew and ask him to explain to me what’s going on. He told me that when they’re in the gym and it’s time to pick a team member that he’s never gotten picked by the other students. He further advised that today while in the restroom today that he accidentally wet his pants while using the urinal and three of his classmates laughed at him. I then asked if he told his teacher(s) about the incident and he said, no. I asked him if he has told any adult inside the building about his situation and he said, no. I asked Andrew if he has ever seen me in the hallways or the cafeteria during lunch time and he said, no. Ms. Rodriguez advised at the beginning of the school year an incident happened and she spoke with the Principal, Mrs. Hinton. I
Today, much uncertainty exists in the United States. As President Trump clears his first 100 days in office, many Americans and people residing in the United States are afraid of the reckless and unpitying behavior Trump continues to brandish. Continue
The behaviour policy outlines several procedures for dealing with inappropriate behaviour. Firstly verbal warnings are given, and the child is given chance to apologise and choose to change their behaviour. Sanctions for continued bad behaviour can escalate from time spent on the thinking chair/ missed playtime, to being sent to a senior member of staff. In cases of extreme bad behaviour or physically violence a log will be noted into the class behaviour book and parents will be informed. Sustained inappropriate behaviour may lead to a behaviour agreement, discussed with the parents and child present where the child will promise to change their behaviour. Breaking this agreement, or other very extreme cases may lead to exclusion from school, which will be handled by the head teacher.
You would approach the class teacher with your concern. If the teacher disregards it you would still need to report it as you have a responsibility to that child or young person. You would report it to the relevant person above the teacher until the concern has been reported correctly.
"Heritage" is defined as the customs and traditions that are handed down from generation to generation of families and society. A person with Latino heritage is a descendant of a family from Mexico, Central America, or South America. Peeps who are Hispanic are from a country where Spanish is spoken. Let's check out some of their traditions.
In this case the teacher should inform the head teacher about this incident and if may involve the police if necessary.
While in blocks J was observed chewing on a toy, after she was done she threw the toy. The toy almost hit another student, the teacher didn’t see any of J’s behaviors but was told by other students. The teacher told J not nice from across the room
There were two students using iPads with the volume up loud enough to hear as I entered as well. Three students were riffling through a bucket of plastic letters without being entirely successful in finding the letters they were seeking. Two students were using a drawer of foam letters and word cards to put the letters on the corresponding word. The final student was alone just looking at a book herself. The teacher was going back and forth between the groups who were working with letters trying to assist them in picking the correct letters. She would say the sound while feeling her throat and then tell them the letter they needed and find it for them in the box. She went to the group looking in the tub for letters and found letters for them as well. A cause for concern that we noticed was that she was asking the students to sound out the word “said” as well as having written on the board next to the sight words students were spelling that the vowel team ai =e (meaning short e sound). Mrs. Williams though it necessary to jump in at this point and make a correction since she was teaching something contrary to the curriculum and pointed out that sight words like “said” do not follow the rules of phonics always and need to be taught as a whole word. Also during this brief observation we noticed Mrs. M. having difficulty with the student who was alone. She was not engaging in any work after being asked to join the group and instead took a book and hid