
Case Study Edu 520

Decent Essays

Case Study – Assignment # 1
Search of Student Involving Protruding Object. Chapter 3 – p. 99
Jim Robinson is a tenth-grade teacher. While walking down the hall, he spotted a suspicious object protruding from a student’s pocket. He asked the student to empty his pocket but the student refused.
Discussions questions: 1. Does the teacher have grounds to make such a request?
No, he does not. The teacher has grounds to inform immediately to the school officials about the situation that he has observed. In this scope, the teacher’s information constitutes a reasonable suspicion, which is reliable by school officials. 2. Does the student have the right to refuse to obey the teacher’s request?
I believe that since students enjoy …show more content…

Corporal Punishment over Student’s Objection - Chapter 3, p. 100
Carl Palmer, principal of Carbondale Middle School, became very upset with Walter Johnson for being disrespectful to several of his teachers. Palmer explained to Walter that because of his actions, he, Palmer, must administer corporal punishment based on school policy. As the principal proceeded to get his instrument to administer the punishment, Walter told him that Palmer was not going to hit him with anything. Other students, faculty, and staff in the outer office heard him say this.
Discussions Questions 1. What is the dilemma facing Palmer?
I believe that the dilemma is simple: a student challenges the school official authority. I said simple because not for the dilemma’s complexity rather for the regularity with which a young behave in a rebellious manner. 2. Should Palmer proceed with his plan to administer the punishment? Why or why not?
No, he should not. The corporal punishment should never be administered when the child presents resistance. However, in case that he proceed with his plan, the reasonable administration should be based in the gravity of the offense. Moreover, school officials should provide student’s punishment options for deviant behavior instead the corporal punishment. 3. Does the student have the right to decide his punishment?
The student does not have the right to decide his punishment. The school official in

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