
Hosa Research Paper

Decent Essays

HOSA, Health Occupations Students of America, diversified by culture but united in a single goal, to care for the people of it in the best way possible. HOSA is best explained by the commitment of its members to not settle for adequacy, but strive to formulate new ideals and push for new heights. During this time I would like to explain to you how as a student in HOSA you can innovate- inspire- and ignite to make the impact in the world that you want to be. The concept that we need to keep moving forward is pivotal in today’s society in HOSA a key factor is to strive and push the members to achieve their fantasies to the extent that it becomes reality. Pablo Picasso once stated that “Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.” Many believe Picasso to be wrong …show more content…

Dreamers and believers are the exception to this heralded rule; however, by joining HOSA you have entered that realm of rebellious notoriousness to become an arsonist. Not the traditional sense mind you of an arson, but instead they ignite themselves with a spark of hope that bursts into flames that bring change and engulf those who strive to be better. These ablaze people are heroes, heroes who elevate to achieve, to elevate to love and elevate to feed the fire within. That is what HOSA means even in the darkest tunnel the bright light of a health care professional may light the way and lead with them the masses they look to shepherd and care for. With evidence and constant supporting examples it is evident that you can be the change you want to be. It is not a choice to innovate inspire or ignite, but instead a lifestyle this everlasting battle has a more specific name it is called prestige. Your legacy will live long after records have fallen, after awards are tarnished, the character you display will never die, write your version of your life story you want to leave

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