
Holy Spirit Research Paper

Decent Essays

Recently I purchased an entertainment center, upon opening the box I realized there was a lot of work. There were hundreds of pieces; screws, washers, and bolts. From previous experiences, I knew the importance of each piece. Isn’t that the way it is with our faith? Neither God, Christ nor the Holy Spirit, should stand alone in our lives.
To know God as creator, to learn from Christ as teacher and experience the Holy Spirit gives us liberating freedom to understand more fully how our faith impacts our daily walk. Just as the entertainment center has many pieces to make it valuable, so does our relationship and understanding of God. In the words of John Calvin, “As long as Christ remains outside of us, and we are separated from him, all that he has suffered and done for the salvation of the human race remains useless and of no value for us.” …show more content…

Fulfillment of this is not optional for any group seeking to be the Body of Christ. How can we participate? What enables us to be this vessel?
As Christians, we must strive to repair broken relationships through God’s act of free grace and forgiveness, also known as justification. Second is the process of personal growth in Christian love, known as sanctification. And third, our willingness to live out God’s calling upon our life, known as vocation. When we embrace these concepts we look beyond a historical or factual God. We respond to the freedom given to us because we know God’s love is freely given to and broken relationships are restored through God’s grace.
Our personal growth in Christian love reminds us to listen, pray, be open to the work of the Spirit, find value in all creatures, and seek an attitude of thankfulness. Allowing the Spirit to transform our thoughts, words and actions gives an opportunity to live in right relationships and a holier

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