
What It Means To Be Christian Research Paper

Decent Essays

What it Means to Be Christian

Through our faith we are taught to believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah sent by God the father to save us from our sins. There are a vast number of ways that we can learn about Jesus. Some of these include the gospels, Sunday mass, and the Holy Eucharist. We can take what we learn from him and apply it to our lives acting a model of him for others. Through the certain actions and behaviors we mirror in our lives, we may be able to experience the presence of God. In the Church, us as Christians believe that Jesus was sent by God the father, born of the virgin Mary, and suffered on the cross for our sins so that we can remain pure in him. We also believe that through his example, we will be opened up into the kingdom of Heaven. Through the gospels we can learn more about Jesus’ kindness, generosity, and …show more content…

This is also called being a disciple of Jesus Christ. To be a disciple of Christ means to act like Jesus’ disciples after his crucifixion, when they lost all fear and left their confinement and went to preach about the Lord. We to can forget about fear and proudly go out in the name of the Lord and preach about his great gifts through our actions and our words. Lasty, it calls us to serve as a lover to our match of the opposite sexuality that God has made for us.
We can experience the the presence of Jesus in our everyday life by making it routine to pray. This helps strengthen our bond with the LOrd and slowly puts our trust in him. Another way we can experience the presence of Jesus is by doing good for others in our daily life. This makes us feel enlightened and joyful as if Jesus is right with us in our actions. A great example of this is going to volunteer at a soup kitchen with your family on the

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