Josef Mengele tortured and killed many prisoners who stayed at Auschwitz in the worst, and most inhumanly ways possible. Dr Mengele was known for conducting amputations on prisoners (“Rantings of a Nazi Monster 1”). Other surgeries and experiments that Dr. Mengele conducted included radiation, electricity, and other evil methods (“Josef Mengele 3”). He didn’t just perform experiments on adults, he also did it to children. Supposedly, in only one night, Josef used injections and killed fourteen innocent children(“Josef Mengele 3”). To make it even worse, after he killed his victims, he would dissect and perform autopsies on their soulless bodies(“Josef Mengele 3”). So, those poor prisoners that died in Dr. Mengele's possession never had a proper burial. Although many …show more content…
Mengele's experiments stated, “My body most of the time was connected to tubes which inserted some drugs into my body. Many days I was tied up for hours” (“Personal Statements From Victims of Nazi Medical Experiments” 1). This quote shows yet again the terrible actions that Dr. Mengele was guilty of and proves that most humans are naturally evil. Although Josef Mengele performed experiments on the prisoners that stood out to him, he was particularly interested in twins. Mengele was so obsessed with twins that he oversaw gruesome tests on 3,000 sets (“Rantings of a Nazi Monster 1”). There is no words to describe how painful and inhumane these tests and experiments were. A unlucky set of twins had to go through this odious experiment. “The next part of the examination consisted of tubes being forced through their noses and into their lungs. They were then ventilated with a gas which caused them to cough so severely they had to be restrained. The sputum from the lungs was collected for examination” (“Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine 1”). This was only one out of the thousands of experiments that Dr. Mengele performed during the
Dr. Mengele indirectly performed 30 different experiments on helpless, unconsenting prisoners. Three of these experiments, conducted for the benefit of the German army, were: the High Altitude experiment, the Freezing Temperature experiment, and the Sea Water experiment. These experiments resulted in many scientific breakthroughs at the cost of the lives of thousands.
During the first phase of experiments, pairs of twins and people with abnormalities through heritage were put on display for Dr. Mengele and were assigned to go through all conceived medical examinations. These people had their picture taken. Plaster casts were made from their own jaws and teeth. They were also toe printed and fingerprinted. As soon as the
Josef Mengele had studied Anthropology, Human Genetics, and Eugenics. While working in Auschwitz, he had worked with identical and fraternal twins to trace the genetic origin of various diseases along with other experiments (“Josef Mengele” Holocaust Encyclopedia). Most officers or German task force had a hard time with this job, but Josef Mengele did not (Minster). He enjoyed separating those on the ramp and would often appear “off duty” searching through the crowd looking for twins to experiment on (“Josef Mengele” Holocaust Encyclopedia). He always had a reason for what he did. More horrific experiments included Mengele injecting chloroform into a set of twin’s hearts and it killing them instantly. He would then dissect the bodies and look at the genetic structures. Dr. Josef Mengele had also sown twins together to make Siamese Twins (“Angel of Death”). There are photos and documentation that proves that this was an experiment he did perform and was very unsuccessful. Approximately three thousand twins passed through
The doctors would cut off limbs and see if the Jew’s could handle what happened to their body. Josef mengele would do the experiments to twins along with many other doctors they were trying to see how twin were made so they could increase the prefect race faster. Even though these were crude experiments they help german know a whole lot more about the human body and what it can handle and what it can't and the almost found out to make twins but they never did.
Holocaust: Medical Experiments During the Third Reich between 1933 through 1945, The Nazis not only stripped Jews and other minorities groups of their dignity and possessions but their humanity. The medical experiments that were conducted during the Holocaust were absurd and inhuman. Many Jews and minority groups suffered the wrath of the Nazis. Doctors performed unethical procedures that let many to their death.
Doctors and Experiments of the Holocaust 6 million Jews, 2.7 million Soviets, 1 million Poles, half a million Gypsies, and a quarter of a million disabled and innocent people were all murdered and killed during the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a terrible and awful time in history, and often times we try to push it away and forget about all the innocent people that were killed. The doctors such as Josef Mengele and the experiments that he performed on concentration camp prisoners and kids were a big part of the Holocaust, and many of these people and children were tortured, dissected, and killed. Dr. Josef Mengele was known as the cruelest and evil doctor during the Holocaust. He was oftentimes referred to as the “Angel of Death.”
They were all put into barracks which people then named the “zoo” because of all the “species” it held. Mengele did not perform all his gruesome experiments by himself, he had picked out a few talented prisoners with a educated history, to help him perform all these experiments. Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, a Jewish prisoner, volunteered to help the Angel of Death. Dr Miklos volunteered to help Mengele so he would spare his family in exchange. Mengele’s lab was built beside a crematorium, to disposethe dead in a fast and easy manner.
Dr. Clauberg developed a method of mass sterilization. It used a chemical irritant that produced severe inflammation. This caused the fallopian tubes to shut and close. Some of his experiments killed his subjects. Others were put to death so an autopsy could be performed. Dr. Mengele would pick a pair of twins or someone with a physical handicap and conduct painful and exhausting examinations. They could last for hours and were terrifying for children. Photographs, casts of teeth and jaws, and fingerprints and toe prints were taken from the subjects. Once the examinations were over, Dr. Mengele ordered the twins to death by lethal injection. He would then move on to the next phase, analysis of internal organs at autopsy. Interesting specimen were preserved and shipped to the Institute in Berlin-Dahlem for more
During the holocaust prisoners of concentration camps were faced with evil, torture and death every day. Some of the prisoners in these camps were selected for Nazi medical experiments. Nazi doctors performed several different human experiments on prisoners throughout the Holocaust. A specifically horrific experiment was the twin experiments. This experiment was performed by Dr. Joseph Mengele and several of his assistants in Auschwitz. He is known for performing some of the most inhumane experiments during the holocaust.
In the article “ It's For You To Know That You Forgive ” A Holocaust survivor, Ava Kor talks about the hideous experiments that she and her twin sister, Miriam had to go through. Kor even says that “ she was ‘between life and death’ and used in brutal medical experiments. She and her sister Miriam were among the thousands of twins subjected to horrendous experiments by the infamous Dr. Josef Mengele.” (National 1)Which means that he did very hurtful and disgusting experiments to all the twins that were there in Auschwitz.
The horrific events of the Holocaust are remembered with tragedy and shame by many. However, beyond the concentration camps and gas chambers, many prisoners suffered an even darker fate. During the Holocaust, many cruel and inhumane experiments were conducted on the prisoners taken by Nazi Germany. These experiments included testing dangerous drugs and sterilization methods on prisoners, and exposing them to gasses and poisons to develop antidotes. Other experiments included freezing them to the brink of death just to reheat them again, as well as other bizarre and torturous experiments performed on twins.
osef Mengele, A.K.A, “The Angel of Death”, with funding for his experiments, searched for the secrets of heredity. Since Hitler’s ideal future would have Aryans, Blonde-haired and blue eyed people, the Nazis’ would benefit from the help of understanding genetics. Thus, Mengele performed many studies using twins. Blood would be taken in large quantities, from the twins’ fingers and arm. He tested for physical oddities, and harvested tissue samples and body parts. These twins, that would normally be killed after their experiments were finished, would then be dissected. He also performed experiments to help aid the German forces in battle. To test the effects of Sulfanilamide, wounds that the victims had would be infected with streptococcus, gas
The life story of Josef Mengele is one that is filled many twists and turns that play out like a suspense story with an ending that does not seem to fit what one would expect. The authors of the book Mengele: The Complete Story, Gerald L. Posner and John Ware, wrote this book largely with information taken from diaries and letters of Mengele’s, and interviews with those who knew him. It is a look into the life and times of a man whose nickname was “The Angel of Death.'; Josef’s life and post-mortem fate could be divided into three different chapters. His pre-war life and life during World War II was one of privilege and freedom to satisfy his perverse desire to perform bizarre and mostly useless medical
“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it” These are the words from a man who is very known for killing millions of innocent people during the holocaust. His name is Dr. Josef Mengele also known as “The angel of death”. Doctor. Mengle would torture Jewish children and many others. They were put into pressure chambers, frozen to death, tested with drugs, and exposed to various other experiment tests. At Auschwitz Mengele did a lot of twin studies. The twins were usually killed after the experiment was over and their bodies dissected.Dr. Mengele wanted to create a dominant race of blue eyed, blonde haired people. To do this he needed to discover the secrets of heredity. So he thought that the only way to do this experiment
Mengele. Dr. Mengele was a German officer at Auschwitz and was often referred to as the “Angel of Death” (Gutman, 2). He is known for his horribly unethical experiments performed on prisoners and immense number of bodies killed in Auschwitz. Mengele treated the majority of his patients ruthlessly, with no remorse, and as objects for his destruction. He was also known for his bad temper and was seen beating prisoners with metal poles, burning them alive, and shooting them. The only patients he treated less horrifically were twins, which he found to be enticing. Mengele would provide them with clean clothes and regular meals in order to strengthen them, and once they were healthy he would perform horrific surgeries on them (Schmittroth, 315). How Dr. Mengele treated the prisoners in Auschwitz would have an extensive influence on the difficulties they had