
Josef Mengele Naturally Evil

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Josef Mengele tortured and killed many prisoners who stayed at Auschwitz in the worst, and most inhumanly ways possible. Dr Mengele was known for conducting amputations on prisoners (“Rantings of a Nazi Monster 1”). Other surgeries and experiments that Dr. Mengele conducted included radiation, electricity, and other evil methods (“Josef Mengele 3”). He didn’t just perform experiments on adults, he also did it to children. Supposedly, in only one night, Josef used injections and killed fourteen innocent children(“Josef Mengele 3”). To make it even worse, after he killed his victims, he would dissect and perform autopsies on their soulless bodies(“Josef Mengele 3”). So, those poor prisoners that died in Dr. Mengele's possession never had a proper burial. Although many …show more content…

Mengele's experiments stated, “My body most of the time was connected to tubes which inserted some drugs into my body. Many days I was tied up for hours” (“Personal Statements From Victims of Nazi Medical Experiments” 1). This quote shows yet again the terrible actions that Dr. Mengele was guilty of and proves that most humans are naturally evil. Although Josef Mengele performed experiments on the prisoners that stood out to him, he was particularly interested in twins. Mengele was so obsessed with twins that he oversaw gruesome tests on 3,000 sets (“Rantings of a Nazi Monster 1”). There is no words to describe how painful and inhumane these tests and experiments were. A unlucky set of twins had to go through this odious experiment. “The next part of the examination consisted of tubes being forced through their noses and into their lungs. They were then ventilated with a gas which caused them to cough so severely they had to be restrained. The sputum from the lungs was collected for examination” (“Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine 1”). This was only one out of the thousands of experiments that Dr. Mengele performed during the

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