
Hedonism In Classical School Criminals

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1.a.) There are to assumption of human nature which is hedonism and tabula rasa. An new born baby that is born with tendency that display behavior involving their personal pleasure is hedonism. Where a baby that is born with no tendency and a blank slate to learn from others is tabula rasa (Howell Chapter 1 handout, 2015). b.) People with the assumption of hedonism engage naturally in criminal behavior where the criminal reward is high and the punishment is low, but for tabula rasa the behavior in which a person engage is learned (Howell Chapter 1 handout, 2015). c.) First crime comes about because a person is given an opportunity, so they react on what they want. Where the tabula rasa assumption can not answer this question because …show more content…

The human behavior of this school is free will, so people is held accountable for their total voluntary choice. Crime is an offense in the social contract of society. In the classical school criminals is punished and not treated (Howell Chapter 2 handout, 2015). Positive school is different than classical school where the human nature is not so unclear, so it could be either one (hedonism or tabula rasa). There is some human behavior such as soft determinism (Howell Chapter 3 handout, 2015). The behavior of a person can be rational. Unlike classical school, positive school see crimes in a socially subjective frame and it focus more on criminals being treated than punishment (Howell Chapter 3 handout, …show more content…

These theories do not see crime as a rational behavior, but instead that it is from abnormalities/ criminal traits. The reason why is that this deterrent of punishment will be ineffective to reducing recidivism (Howell Chapter 3 handout, 2015). Modern biosocial theories is also determinism, but soft. Where the nature has an strong influence on behavior via nurture (Howell chapter 3 handout, 2015). 7.) The first link between IQ and criminal behavior is differential detection hypothesis which is with a low IQ there is a greater chance that someone will get caught doing a crime with no support. Also with a low IQ it can lead to poor school performance then to crime with some support (Howell chapter 3 handout, 2015). Then a IQ that is based on school tracking then has low self-esteem can lead to delinquency with little support. Last link is where a person with low IQ that has a slow moral development leads to criminal behavior with little support as well (Howell Chapter 3 handout,

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