
Health Promotion Principle

Satisfactory Essays

Principle 1: The framework will separate this principle into sub-sections and use the questionaries which determine if the programme activities consider the “each action area of the Ottawa Charter” by the followings:
Principle 1.1: “Develop personal skills” – The framework will assess competencies of the community members involving in the project; as well as the capacity building plans and actions to the community by the programmes.
Principle 1.2: “Strengthen community action”- The purpose of the health promotion programme is to empower the local people to initiate the taking control over the social events which influence their lives and health (Rootman, 2001) Programme design provides the sense of empowerment-based when the community members are involved in all stages of the programme implementation (Laverack & Labonte, 2000).Thus, the framework uses the evaluation questionnaires which are simple to measure the “community participation in all stages of the programme implementation including the design and evaluation phases” and “feedback mechanism” which provides the opportunity to listen the community voices regarding with the programme activities. …show more content…

Thus, the framework will observe the joint actions and involvement the stakeholders from multiple sectors to ensure healthier public services by the programmes through policy level involvement.
Principle 1.4: “Create supportive environments” – The framework will evaluate if the programmes enhance the opportunities for healthier choices in the community

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