
Halloween Tree Controversy

Decent Essays

Have you ever dreamed of going on an amazing journey with some of your best friends? If so, The Halloween Tree, by Ray Bradbury, would be the perfect book for you to read. This is a story about eight friends who are on the hunt for another one of their friends, who mysteriously went missing on Halloween night. They travel through space and time, and meet a lot of people, but stay focused on the task at hand. Even though The Halloween Tree, by Ray Bradbury, deserves its awards, it does not deserve to be on the Pre-AP book list. Imagery, sense of humor, development of characters, plot twist, and a conclusion that strongly ties up he book. These are all key qualities a book should have in order it to be beloved by society. You would think all authors would publish their books with these qualities, right? Well...most of them do. …show more content…

Some books, obviously, have to be more or less mature depending on who the audience is supposed to be. If an author publishes a book about ‘Struggles in High School’, a fourth grader would not be expected to read it. The same goes for high schoolers, they should not have to read a book about ‘Struggles in The Fourth Grade’. Books on the Pre-AP list should not be like this either, but they are. The Halloween Tree is a prime example. In this book, there are eight kids whose goal is to find their missing friend. There is nothing wrong with that story line, but there is a problem when an author turns that creative plot to a bad plot. This book is just too young and childish to be on the Pre-AP list. There is one point in the book when pumpkins come to life and start having a friendly conversation with these eight kids and point them to the person that can help them find their missing friend. Another example is when the eight kids make a kite and fly it over the ‘undiscovered country’ to find their friend. Many more examples can be found in the book. It is safe to say this book should not belong on the Pre-AP

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