
Greek Mythology: Aries

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Aries is the constellation I have chosen. I picked Aries because it is my zodiacal sign. It is the 39th largest constellation out of all 88 constellations (it's 441 square degrees). It only has three stars that could be considered bright. It isn't considered a ram in some cultures, for example, in the Marshall Islands, it represents a porpoise. In Greek Mythology, Aries is symbolic of the ram with the Golden Fleece sought by Jason and the Argonauts. The story centers around King Athamus of Boetia who remarried after his first wife died. However, his wife disliked his children to the degree where she pled to Zeus to sacrifice them. Zeus then sent a golden ram after the children. Phrixus, the son, survived, while Helle, the daughter, did not,

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