
Greek Gods And Humans Essay

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The relationship of humans and gods in Greek mythology is your typical top rated reality show, from the dysfunctional family to the couple with the love/hate relationship. The Greek gods act impulsively, frivolously, and even immorally; they are not particularly heroic, and they lack the spirituality that we expect from a god. Greek mythology did not represent the gods in the perfect light, but as identical to human beings. However while the gods may look and act like humans, they are not the same. First, humans obviously are mortal, and require replenishment from sleep, and the three basic needs for survival. The gods, on the other hand, are immortal (they also cannot die from any wounds), they will always have a young and beautiful appearance, and the nourishment requirements are different. The gods without a question were comparably more insightful, …show more content…

Archetypes are “preexistent or latent, internally determined patterns of being and behaving, of perceiving and responding.” These patterns can be collective unconscious-meaning universal or shared- or described in a personalized way by the myths of the gods and goddesses. Archetypes arouse emotions and touch on universal themes based on our human inheritance, which prove true to our human experience. This is why myths are “familiar;” the gods and goddesses speak to us truths about human nature which help us better understand our psyches. For example, Zeus’ character identifies men who can be heartless, who take risks for power, and want to be recognized once they achieve high status. We can label archetypes as the blueprint of human patterns. The myths of a culture reveal its values and relationship values. Archetypal myths tell us of our human family story and the roles we play. They tell us about attitudes and values that shape us and are expected of us- what is in our genetic memory, so to speak, and is part of our perceptions and

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