
Global Citizen Research Paper

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How many of you feel that you are a big supporter of someone in political office, yet believe that part of that support is because he listens to what you think and actually enacts laws that show that? For some in this country and around the world, this is indeed a fact of their life. These aren't just the grassroots organizations, Citizen's United, local political groups, but women's movements on campus, college students and also everyday people such as you and me. We run the machine that requests and demands actions that will make this country a better place. And we do it all over the world with help from our neighbors, our jobs, and our statesmen. How do all of us change the world we live in? By joining a group like Global Citizen Organization. …show more content…

Global citizen Organization is a group of like-minded individuals from every walk of life that help to bring awareness to the world on issues that concern us all in all countries and continents. For example, clean water in an African town is of huge importance when only one well supports the whole entire town. Education is extremely important in any country where the children are allowed to go to school. I watched a show on CNN about young girls in African countries where there were war and famine. This young girl lived with her mother and had been attending school up until the school where she attended was no longer open. Her mother then found another school for her daughter to go to but she had to travel very far. This little girl loved going to school and learning. She would get up early and get dressed and bring food if she had it to walk all the way to the school. However, she had to pay to attend classes. This the young lady could not do and the teacher wanted her to leave. But she refused …show more content…

Wherever you see their symbol you will find a petition or information being discussed what the issue is; what it means for the persons facing the issue; what ways to combat it and keep it from returning or to keep it getting better and not returning to the previous bad situation. Not all of the issues will be eradicated nor will those same issues completely disappear but the Global Citizen Organization is taking steps to prevent any further abuses from happening and existing ones from

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