
Gerald Jones's Essay Violent Media Is Good For Kids

Decent Essays

The writer Gerald Jones, in his narrative essay, article, “Violent Media is good for kids,” recounts his dormant childhood and how it was changed by playing video games. Jones’ purpose is to convey the idea that video games are a game changer in kids’ lives. At a very early age, he was timid, he was not associating and was not recognized by other kids. The writer adopts a sentimental approach to tap into the similar feelings once experienced by adult readers. Jones begins his article by throwing a flash back to his childhood days at age 13, a period which he described as sensitive, fearful, insouciant, nervous and apprehensive being part of the social spectrum of other kids. Jones writes “At age 13 I was alone and afraid”. He identifies to his readers the difficulties of a child lacking confidence to grow into adolescence, and how he found violent video games an essential tool in childhood development. Jones explains on the automatic change that reconstructs his life through the “Incredible Hulk,” a giant super human that portrays strength and violence. He thus writes, “The character who caught me, and freed me, was the Hulk.” Furthermore, Jones presents his mother as a strict parent who prevented him from exposing to …show more content…

He writes “In my 30s, I found myself writing action movies and comic books. I wrote some Hulk stories, and met the geek-geniuses who created him. I saw my own creations turned into action figures, cartoons, and computer games.” Jones purpose of this article is to allay the fears of parents to see the good in video games as opposed to critics. He backs it up by quoting a psychiatric that works with teens. “Children need violent entertainment for them to explore the inescapable feelings that they’ve been taught to deny, and to reintegrate those feelings into a more whole, more complex, more resilient self-hood,” Writes

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