I came to Davidson Library on Wednesday at 12:30. When I walk in, I saw 6 workers at the front desk, 5 of which are female. 1 Female worker has a darker skin color, the rests are White. The tuck shop is open, I saw 3 workers in it without customers. The amount of people on first floor is obviously more than last week. With easily more than 30 students, most were studying individually. I saw 4 groups of 2 students studying together. 3 groups are Asian males, only 1 group is of different gender and race (estimate to be Latino). There are more students studying with their laptop and text book than those who uses the desktop provided here. I saw more Asians on first floor than other race, and I saw more males than females. Most are studying without
The article “Cultural Considerations for Social Workers: A sociological perspective” by Orville W. Taylor, argues that inner-cities of Jamaica are culturally distinct phenomena and therefore they should be treated as such. It also suggests that this should be considered if the theory is to be developed or any attempts to apply intervention strategies and that the divisive nature of the society and cultural distinctions of these communities which are different from that of the mainstream society should be comprehended. It concludes by stating that the main challenge for social workers is to acknowledge that these inner-cities communities are functional operating communities separately from that of the larger society.
Social workers’ commitment to social justice means they want everyone to have a fair and equal opportunity to an assessment. In line with fairness, social workers should tell carers about their right to refuse an assessment as their permission, and not the person receiving care, is needed before the carer’s assessment can commence. In addition, social workers, bound by legislation regarding confidentiality and information sharing, must reserve the carer’s right to privacy whilst uphold their right to a fair hearing. This is achieved by only disclosing carer’s personal details to 3rd parties with consent, unless a safeguarding concern arises.
All my life my parents have taught me the value of helping others. Having different experiences and growing up in an atmosphere where the need of others were put before our own, led me to have a desire to be a social worker. Believing that being a social worker involves many special skills, as an example one of those that u need to interact with people from different cultures and principles than me. For as long as I remember I have had the desire to become a social worker inspiring people and developing people that will drive me to dedicate my excitement and dedication to do what is important in this dream job a reality.
qualified to wait until I have obtained my certificate and have the tool of higher education under my belt. The specifics of what exactly I hope to accomplish by jumping as far as I possibly can in my professional life are to simply be the best social worker for addicts and their families that I can possibly be. The issues plaguing these people and their families are catastrophic, and I understand firsthand how damaging and divisive the effects can be. If I can help even one family understand and shape their family environment into a safer and more constructive one and to give back to even just a single individual who needs the kind of guidance and support that I needed (and thankfully received), then my life will be more than well-lived. However,
The benefit of me being in the Social Work field is my personal experience with similar struggles. I would like to be the person I never had while going through my hardships. The resurrection of my old wounds that I have overcome would certainly be my weakness. With that being said, I am confident I could make a difference because, I have been in their shoes to a certain extent, so I can help relate to and speak from experience with those I am trying to help. There are many resources available for the people such as shelters, food banks, job training, and placement assistance. All they need is the guidance from a knowledgeable social worker who is willing to offer a helping hand to open these doors of opportunity. Working with the Boys and
In the support group, there were a wide variety of members present during all four sessions. They all came with their diverse characteristics and experiences. The only element of homogeneity in our group was all social work students at Loyola University Chicago. Elements of heterogeneity included gender, as there was only one male in the group. Race was also an element of heterogeneity, since there was a mix of members Caucasian and African-American ethnicities in our group. In terms of educational level, Amy was a master’s level student, and the rest of us were still in our undergraduate careers. It appeared motivation also varied, since several members of the group openly wanted support, while others took a step back and were quieter. I
Assessing Issues of Gender in Social Work Practice: An Overview of the De-feminization of the Female
The field of social work is constantly being influenced by new theories and ideology that affects how social worker’s engage and interact with their clients. The new ideology of the theories can impact the values of social worker’s. The purpose of this paper is to explore and inform how the concepts of relationship or alliance with clients from the work of the RCT theorist, Judith Herman, and Paulo Freire has influenced my values and developing sense of social work practice.
Feminist theory has developed through education of higher learning to advocate for social justice and gender inequality amongst race, class, and sexual identity. As gender and sex are the two-important stereotypes that determine the masculine and feminine responsibility in the workplace and relationship, dominant men utilize power women to devalue their ability and make them feel powerless. Feminist theory is a concern in the social work practice to women and all persons, as social workers help the necessities through assessments and interventions. Social workers incorporate theories of empowerment and feminist theory in a combination to help individuals, families, and people to gain control and improve their situation.
This work is going to set out to investigate the relevance of feminist approaches to social work in today’s society. It will first look at the different types of feminism that are present in society. It will then trace and highlight the emergence of feminism in society. This essay will then delve deeper into the different types of approaches that were taken on by feminists within the field of social work. It will discuss what effect these approaches had on society especially women.
Occupations require a myriad of skills, training, and requirements. The personality and talents of individuals can guide them into their choosing a profession. For example, someone who is an accountant may prefer little interaction with others and for information to be very precise in every situation. Compare that to a therapist whom interacts with people daily and no two situations are the same or precise. I am going to compare two professions, Social Work versus Information Technology, to explore the similarities and differences in these two occupations.
Being a social worker means understanding and always learning about human behavior like here in this case. Alexis will face many obstacles. This will be difficult for her to adapt to her every day social living, like when she interacts with others. This will influence her during her transition on what her first steps to take are in her big change. Furthermore seeing how this change will do in her life, in addition to maintaining a stable healthy relationship with her family. Throughout the rest of her life, her social interactions will continuously be reshaping for her ongoing social interactions with others. This would be directing to the way that she will now present herself. For example, the way she dresses and appears as a male is the new
There have been a great many changes in the healthcare industry in the past two decades, largely due to the globalization of the workforce and changing demographic patterns, and technological advances. It was interesting to think about the vast changes occuring in and to look at the ways in which technology, privacy laws, and stakeholder expectations have changed.
Leadership is defined as an influence procedure that influenced employees and leaders to achieve the goals of the organizational by changing. Leadership also defined as the one who are planning, directing, or guiding someone or a group to mutual the goal. To become a good leadership, must be performance as an unselfish service and respectable personality to subordinate. Nowadays, there are few types of leadership which are common exist in work environment, such as laissez-faire, democratic, autocratic, transformational, transactional.
With approximately 25 million tonnes of steel making coal produced in 2013, Teck Coal Limited is the largest producer of steelmaking (coking) coal in North America and the second largest exporter of steelmaking coal with approximately 95% of the coal produced being exported to various countries in Asia, Europe and South America. China, Japan & Korea form the bulk of the countries who import steelmaking coal from Teck Coal Limited (Teck Resources Limited, 2013). Figure 1 below shows a breakdown of the world coal reserves according to the type of coal and the potential use.