
Gas Chromatography And High Performance Liquid Chromatography

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Table of Contents
Part A: 3
Introduction: 3
Gas Chromatography (GC) 3
Gas- solid chromatography 3
Gas-liquid chromatography 3
Advantages: 3
Disadvantages: 3
High performance liquid Chromatography (HPLC) 4
Advantages: 4
Disadvantages: 4
Part B: 5
Introduction 5
References 6

Part A:
Forensic Chemistry involves a variety of different techniques in which have the ability to analyse samples found on crime scene, one set of techniques is that of chromatography.

Chromatography is a process commonly used to separate substances in accordance to their differential distribution between what is referred to as a stationary phase and a moving or ‘mobile phase’. There are a variety of different types of chromatography some include; paper chromatography, gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography.

Chromatography works by analyzing a substance in terms of its retention time when passing through what is referred to as a stationary phase. Retention time refers to the amount of time a substance takes to pass through the stationary phase, upon analysis the retention time determines what substances are present within a sample. For example, if a particular substance within takes longer than another to reach the ‘detector’ results can then be categorized into which substances are present within the sample. The results found are presented in what is called a chromatograph.

A chromatogram…

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