
Funny Fight Research Paper

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Funny Fights Violence, completely fun and awesome for some people. Well, everyone has seen it before somewhere, either on TV or probably in a videogame. Also, who could imagine that what is inside those screens could actually become real. Forget about the fiction abilities that these characters have, let’s put their personalities in play. Terrorizing, Assassinating, this is the personality that this videogame characters are carrying with them. Starting to get to the point, naturally violence means trouble, because it will hurt others which could be caused by the confusions and life problems they have, so we should actually help by preventing others from violence. Saying the truth, violence has affected my and many other humans life in many …show more content…

A small scenario of violence could be, think you heard someone call you a something, but the person did not so now there is a confusion problem, we could tell that people like to solve everything with violence and fights, because people pitifully don’t think before going to actions. I’m completely concerned, we can all do this, we can help stop violence by helping others solve their problems without the violent part. If you are asking how can we do this? Well, this is how, if I or another person sees a type of conflict, we know is going to end up violently. I could ask what the confusion is and then we change to the next step. We could go ahead and SOLVE the problem using as many ways and ideas that come to our minds. To make it simple, this is how we all can prevent violence from beginning. If after all this time people still think that violence is something natural, we have to start thinking seriously. Remember violence is a problem! Because it hurts others which it would it would have suddenly been basically caused by a confusion or a life problem most of the times, so let’s help prevent it. You surely don’t want yourself or a relative found on the violent

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